Thursday, September 30, 2010

What loving others looks like, part 2

Today we move on in our discussion about love and will talk about what it looks like to love our children? Again, we will share personal examples in our situations. What does it look like in your home?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What loving others looks like, part 1

We are going to spend some time now discussing what loving others looks like. What are some practical every day things that we as women can do to love others. Today and tomorrow we are going to talk about what it looks like to love your husband? We will share our answers as it applies to our situations. If you are married, what does this look like in your life?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Candles among gunpowder

I just read this quote on an email this morning sent out by Nancy Leigh DeMoss speaking about the importance of our modesty as women:
"Richard Baxter was a 17th century pastor who realized how a woman's clothing could snare a man's mind. He gave women this counsel: "You must walk among sinful persons as you would do with a candle among straw or gunpowder.""
Are we being that cautious in our lives in order to guard the hearts of men around us?

Sharathon 2010

AM-1030/WCTS is the radio station that produces and broadcasts our program "Women in the Word." We are asking those who listen to our program and WCTS to prayerfully consider making a financial donation to the radio station to help their operating costs in this coming year. We appreciate the ministry of WCTS and know that God is using it to encourage believers as well as reaching souls for Christ. The week of September 20-25 is the annual Sharathon during which the station seeks support. If you can help, you can do so by calling: 1-866-766-8556 (toll free) or 763-417-8270 (Metro). You can also donate online through Note that our program will not air the week of Sharathon. Please ask what the Lord would have you do to help this ministry. Thank you! Rebecca, Pam, Sarah, Crystal & Karen

Please give us some feedback!

We would love to hear from you! Please use this post to comment on our program. As a listener, do you have any suggestions for our program? Do we speak clearly? Give enough biblical references? Are the questions we pose on the program practical? Please let us know how we can improve and how we can encourage you better. Do you have suggestions for a future study? Thank you!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

But why love?

Why should Christians love one another? Besides the clear fact that it is a command in Scripture, what other points can we make regarding the importance of love? We will spend September 16th talking about other "oughts" in Scripture. These can be found on our study notes for chapter 4. From then we'll seek to answer this question....what are your thoughts?

Friday, September 10, 2010

What is love?

The next 4 days we will be answering the question, "What is love?". We are going to take quite a bit of time giving as many examples from Scripture of what love looks like. Buckle up and join us as we talk about how to give flesh to the word love! Then share any additional thoughts that you may have here! The study notes also have a listing of verses we share. Check out the notes for chapter 4, question 4 on this section of Scripture.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God's Love

How did God show His love? From 1 John 4:9 we see that God showed His love because He sent His only Son to take the punishment for our sins. Because of this gift, we can "live through Him." What a blessing to know that God loved us this way! We see the Jesus Christ died that we might live "through Him" (1 Jn. 4:9), "for Him" (2 Cor. 5:15) and "with Him" (1 Thess. 5:9-10). We hope today and tomorrow will be an encouragement to you as you reflect on God's love for you. A challenge: take this love and share it with someone who needs to know God's love.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Worldly vs. Godly

Today we ask the question, "What are the differences between the world's idea of love and God's love?" We will spend a few sessions talking about these differences and want to help you think through some of the ways that people think about love. We also want to help you evaluate your own love life. Are you loving others with a godly love or with a false, worldly love? Think through the "why" of why you show love to others. Does it point others Christ? Is your motivation pure? Is it a godly love?