Friday, December 30, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

The Cost of Obedience

Your unsaved husband tells you he's been invited to go out for the day to enjoy a favorite hobby with some friends. He tells you he is calling into work sick so he doesn't have to use a vacation day. You find out that he's supposed to be in a meeting that day and he tells you to lie for him if his boss calls wondering where he is.

What should your response be to your husband?

Monday, December 26, 2011


In Luke 2:36-38, we meet Anna, a prophetess in the temple. As we read through these few verses and her encounter with Christ, we find much about her that we can learn from. In particular, we are drawn to her faithfulness to Christ in the midst of her difficult circumstances. Although we aren't given all the details of her life, we do know that she suffered the loss of her husband and was faithful to worship God through the many years following this loss in her singleness. What a testimony of how God used her and can also use us as we stive to walk by faith. There is much more we will share, so please listen and let us know what you learn from Anna as you read through this passage.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

~ Merry Christmas ~

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We pray that you would be ever more thankful for the gift of salvation and share that gift with others now and throughout the year.

Romans 8:32 - "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"

Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words throughout the year.
We pray that the Lord would bless you as you study His Word.

Because of Christ,
Women in the Word

~ Katlyn, Pam, Jackie, Crystal, Lydia, Gloria Sperry,
Rebecca, Gloria Ormiston, Meredith & Sarah ~

Friday, December 23, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

God's Amazing Grace "I don't know how you do it!" your unsaved neighbor tells you. She is amazed at all things you do - homeschooling 3 children, staying at home while your husband works all day, going to church twice on Sunday and once in the middle of the week, and doing housework. Your neighbor thinks you are "super-mom" and wishes she could stay half as organized with her duties. How can you use this conversation to point towards God's grace, especially as it relates to salvation?

Monday, December 19, 2011

A New Team Member

Today we'd like to introduce to you a new member of our Women in the Word team. Lydia Pilch will join us and help us share truth from God's Word and how to apply it to women's lives. We hope you'll be able to tune in for the next several days as she shares her testimony with us and how God is using her and how she is growing her in her walk with the Lord. If you missed a broadcast, remember you can access past audio archives by following the archive link on the right side of our blog. Thanks for listening!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Fear of Man Women often care more about what other people think rather than what God thinks. Women place pressure on themselves to "fit in," whether it is going away to college, starting a new job, or joining a new church. This fear of man often drives us to be afraid to act out our faith. What is the right way to respond when the "fear of man" comes upon you?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage

By Paul David Tripp
Point: This book is “a detailed description of the daily work of love that must be done with commitment and joy when a flawed person is married to a flawed person and they are living together in a fallen world.” (Page 282)
Path: Throughout his book, Tripp presents six different commitments that spouses must make in order to have a God-honoring marriage. He brings in these aspects: confession and forgiveness, changing our daily agendas, building bonds of trust, building relationship of love, dealing with differences with appreciation and grace, and working to protect our marriage.
Agreement: I thought that this book was a very solidly founded on biblical principles for marriage. Marriage books frequently focus solely on romance, but Tripp brings out the fact that everything in life (including marriage) is based on worship. Who am I worshipping, myself or God? He is by no means against romance, but he says that romance is the fruit and not the root of a good marriage.
Disagreement: I did not find principles in this book that I would classify as unbiblical, but I do think that it would have been helpful to have a few more verses accompanying the principles that were listed. Be prepared to read several of the same stories/illustrations a couple of times throughout the book as well.
It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mary's Character

As we continue to study how God used Mary in His plan, we will take a look at some other passages in Luke that record events in Mary's life. Our desire is to look at these events and see what we can learn about Mary's character through what is recorded. How did she respond? What can we learn about obedience, faithfulness, trust?
  1. Luke 2:1-7
  2. Luke 2:16-20
  3. Luke 2:22-35, 39
  4. Luke 2:41-51
  5. Luke 8:19-21

We will continue our study of Mary when we arrive at the end of the book of Luke when she is recorded during the events of our Lord's death, burial and resurrection.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Women in the Word at work...

On Saturday, December 10th, our the ladies of the Women in the Word team met together. What a blessed time we had together renewing our focus for the program and learning how we can each use our gifts in this ministry. We thank the Lord for what He has done through the Women in the Word program and how He has shaped each of our own lives.  Here's a few pictures from our meeting.
Sitting around the table with our laptops and phones!
Gloria Ormiston, Jackie Hale, Katlyn Browning and Crystal Grotzke

Katlyn Browning, Crystal Grotzke, Gloria Sperry,
Pam Ormiston, Meredith Henderson, Lydia Pilch

Meredith Henderson, Sarah Stephens

Friday, December 9, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

A Humble Heart You have just been promoted in your job and have been given a raise. This came as a surprise to you as you did not see it coming! God has given you talents to succeed in your business and He seems to be blessing you with this promotion. The praise and attention come from your boss on and co-workers and soon you start to look for this praise on a daily basis. What biblical truths can you meditate on to keep a humble heart? How can you publicly give glory to God in your job?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Outpouring of Praise

If you haven't read through Luke 1:46-55 yet, may we encourage you to take the time to reflect and mediate on these wonderful verses? In these verses we find that Mary is praising God from a humble heart. The context here is that she has just arrived at Elizabeth's home after her visit from the angel Gabriel. She goes with "haste" to Elizabeth and upon greeting Elizabeth, Mary is blessed by Elizabeth for her faithful obedience and trust in God's word. Mary's heart praises the Lord for His work in her life. Mary reflects on what God did for her personally, what God does for His children and what God does for Israel. After all these magnificent events, she chooses to turn back and praise God for who He is and what He is doing in her life. What a marvelous example of humility. How are you praising God? Do you praise Him from a humble heart? Do you give Him thanks for all that He brings to your life? When was the last time you took "inventory" of the many blessings He has given you? Don't delay, praise God today for who He is and what He has done for you!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Blessings of Obedience

As we study Mary's life, we can see how the Lord gave her much grace to be able to bear and raise Christ. We talk today about the blessings of obedience in her life. She was given grace to endure hardship from the community and even initial rejection by Joseph. She was able to make the long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem to give birth to Christ in a stable. Think through how the Lord has blessed you in your obedience to Him and then praise God for His grace to help you obey and for the blessing you received.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Encouraging the Younger Your nine year old daughter comes home from school one day and tells you that some of her friends aren't being nice to the new girl in class. They make fun of her and don't include her in play. Your daughter wants to show kindness to the new girl, and is concerned about the way the other girls are treating the new girl. How can you encourage your daughter to be kind ad do what is right?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Cost of Obedience

As we discuss more about the life of Mary, Christ's mother, we see that there was a cost to her obedience to God. When she returned home from visiting Elizabeth, we know there was much scorn given to her because she was pregnant. Even Joseph was going to divorce her (Matthew 1:19). In future chapters, we find that Mary traveled while very pregnant a long journey to Bethlehem to be obedient and follow Joseph. She delivered Christ among animals. She gave up her own dreams of her future life with Joseph and humbly submitted to God's plan for her. To many, the cost of obedience to God's will is not appealing. Sometimes obeying God's will means up giving up your dreams and goals for your life. Sometimes the cost of obedience means that you will receive ridicule from friends or family for doing what is right. As we reflect on Mary's obedience to God, let it encourage us to be obedient to God, no matter the cost!

Monday, November 28, 2011


In Luke 1 we encounter Mary for the first time in verse 27. We learn much about Mary from studying Luke and other parts of Scripture. We learn that she is engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, and that they were both poor. It is likely that Mary was a teenager when the angel Gabriel visited her, since Jewish girls married young. We find that she has been given grace to carry out the responsibility of bearing and raising Jesus Christ. The angel's greeting to her literally means, "Grace, you who are highly graced!" Although she was a godly woman, it was God's grace that made her God's choice. Some religions in our society elevate Mary as a woman who is worshipped, yet we can see in Scripture that God in His plan chose Mary to carry out her plan. She was an ordinary young girl who was seeking to follow God's plan for her life. May that be said even of us today. Are you carrying out your role as a woman? As a wife? As a daughter? As a mother? As a grandmother? As a Titus 2 woman? Mary was willing to be used by God in whatever way He desired. Her response in Luke 1:38 shows us a picture of her servant's heart. Read this portion of Scripture and pray that God would give you a humble, servant's heart so that you may be used of Him.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Encouraging One Another "No one listens to me anyway," says the elderly woman to you. She goes on to say how she doesn't feel comfortable coming to Bible study because the younger ladies don't carry on a conversation with her on Sunday at church. "I want to encourage and share with them, but I just can't. What should I do?" What would you say to this older woman? What would you say to the younger ladies to encourage them to get to know older women?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Being Used by God, No Matter Your Age

Elizabeth was used by God even in her old age. She lived a life full of obedience and reverence for the Lord and his statutes (see Luke 1:6) and was blameless! We encounter Elizabeth for the first time when she is older, past child-bearing years. We find out how marvelously God used her for His plan in the birth of John the Baptist. During this time of pregnancy we meet Mary. Mary too had a very special part of God's plan, even though she was young (we will talk more about Mary in the future). Mary visited Elizabeth and in their time together we find much joy, mentoring, rejoicing in God's goodness and fellowship between these women. And as reflect on these women, we find that just as God used these women, so He can use us today. His plan for us is very different from His plan for Elizabeth and Mary, but even still, He can use us marvelously for His glory. Do you see your age as a limitation for how God can use you? Let us challenge you to strive to obediently serve God, no matter your age. God can and will use you to accomplish His will, no matter your age.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Accepting God's Plan "But this wasn't my plan!" you tell your husband after he explains to you that his job is transferring him out of state. You hesitate trusting that this is God's will. You think to yourself how much you enjoy your church and are excited to finally connect with one of the young women to have a Bible study with her. You want to say "no" to your husband and even consider asking him to look for another job so you can stay put. If you were to "counsel" yourself, what should you say to help you think rightly? What biblical truths woud help steer you in the right direction?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A New Team Member

In the next few days we are going to spend some time introducing you to Gloria Sperry, our new team member with Women In the Word. We are thankful for each lady that God brings our way to help us in our goal of encouraging women in God's Word. Gloria is the sister of Pam Ormiston and we are delighted to get to know her more by talking with her about how God brought her to know Him, and how she is currently being used by God to glorify Him! We hope you enjoy getting to know her too and we look forward to the times when she'll be able to join us on the broadcasts of Women In the Word.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Infertility From the Journal of Biblical Counseling, "The Bible and and the Pain of Infertility" by Kimberly Monroe and Philip Monroe "Dealing with infertility is hard. Your God given desire to have children is thwarted. As you grow up, people say to you, 'When you get married and have your kids...' Everyone assumes fertility. In one study, 63% of women who experience both infertility and divorce rated their infertility as more painful than their divorce...On in six struggles with infertility. In your church, in your workplace, in your circle of friends, couples struggle with infertility. These couples need your support and care." How can we support and encourage women who are currently not able to have children?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Common Joy

In Luke 1 we read of both Elizabeth and Mary. It doesn't take long to notice the common experiences they shared. We also see the joy they share in their precious blessings! How wonderful to reflect together that God was using them as part of His wonderful plan to provide the Savior to the world. We believe there was much mentorship by Elizabeth to Mary during the approximate three months they were together. We will spend some time talking more about this in our future broadcasts. For now, we can see how these women rejoiced together because of the goodness of God. When was the last time that you rejoiced with another woman because of what God has done for you? Let me challenge you today to not only rejoice in your heart for how God is working in your life, but call someone else up and share your joy with her. You might find that she'll also share how God is working in her and then you'll have the opportunity to rejoice together!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Elizabeth's Role

Elizabeth’s role in the plan of God was spectacular! God’s plan for her unfolded just as He wanted. She would be barren in order to make John’s birth only of God. There was no need to convince anyone that it was God who chose Elizabeth to give birth to John. Elizabeth was used by God in that she was the mother of John. Her role in this relationship was to raise John to be a faithful and God-serving man. Her life of faithfulness and obedience would have been passed down to him. She was to lead by example to her son. As the older cousin of Mary, we see that Elizabeth’s role was to be an example and encouragement to Mary who was just a young teenage girl herself. Elizabeth had spent a life serving God and doing His will, so she could have easily shared the blessings of obedience. She had been married a long time to Zechariah and could have easily shared how to honor God in Mary’s future marriage to Joseph. Elizabeth also had faced reproach from her community for being barren and would have been able to encourage Mary regarding the reproach she would soon face as the people would not have understood God’s plan. How is God using you in His plan? Do you see your role as mother, daughter, grandmother, older woman as a way to encourage other women? In what ways are you seeking to honor God in His will for your life?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

As the Lord allows, we desire to take each Friday and share with you a new segment called “Real Life ~ Real Answers.” Our desire is to give answers from God’s Word about real life situations women face. We hope this time will be an encouragement and challenge to you as you live your life to honor and serve our Savior. Today we give this scenario: Your teenage daughter professes faith in Christ, yet her attitude towards school is rotten. Her grades are dropping and it seems like she focuses her attention on her friends and having fun. How might you encourage her to be a good testimony of God and His truth? You know, no one knows the heart. And while we can see the “fruit” of our daughter’s life, we still cannot say for certain what is going on with her heart. The challenge in this scenario is that we have to realize that we cannot sit her down and “change” her. God must do the changing and we must pray that if she truly is saved that God will get a hold of her heart to change her. How are you doing at showing love to her? Are you using 1 Corinthians 13 as your guide to show love? Are you patient in your responses and kind in your instruction? Are you yourself being an example of living a life of honor to God? (Ephesians 4:1). Are you listening to your daughter when she speaks to you (Proverbs 18:13)? Are you seeking to find out if she is struggling to understand her Math class? Have you taken time out to get to know your daughter, her interests, and her friends? There is no magic formula, there is no 3 step program to have the perfect daughter; but there is God’s Word! We hope that these thoughts will encourage you in your life situation. If you have a problem or concern that you’d like to hear us address on the program, please let us know. You can leave a reply here, on our facebook page, or write the station at: WCTS Radio, Attn: Women in the Word, 900 Forestview Lane N, Plymouth, MN 55441. Scenarios for future Real Life ~ Real Answers segments are located under the "study notes" section on the right of our blog.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Elizabeth's Faith

Luke tells us that the angel Gabriel came to the temple one day to meet Zechariah while he was there serving the Lord. The angel tells Gabriel of the coming wonderful news! His wife Elizabeth would bear a son, to be called John, and he would be great before the Lord to prepare the people. Zechariah doubted and responded to Gabriel in doubt. “How can this be?” he asks, knowing his wife is well beyond child-bearing days. Gabriel responds with the promise from God that these things will be so. Because of Zechariah’s doubt, he was unable to speak. After Zechariah’s service in the temple was done, he returned home. Not long after, Elizabeth found herself to be with child. Her response to this gift was much different than Zechariah’s – she gave praise to God for what He had done! It is unclear whether Elizabeth would have had knowledge of Zechariah’s visit from the angel. Whether she knew or not, her faith was evident in that she trusted and praised the Lord for the gift of the baby within her. How has God used the things in your life that seemed like a disadvantage or hardship in some positive way? How are you doing at praising and thanking the Lord for all He brings your way? Do you doubt? Or do you have faith?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sharathon 2011 Pictures

Sarah, Rebecca, Lydia and Meredith ready to take phone calls at WCTS Radio.

Meredith and Lydia!

Natilee (on the phone) edits the recordings to prepare them to air. Lots of work and we appreciate her!

Lydia is a new team member and is being interviewed here by her husband, Matthew.


Jackie - so thankful that she is now part of our team too!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


In Luke 1:5-25, Luke records for us the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s miraculous birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah and Elizabeth have already lived full lives and we meet them for the first time “advanced” in years (vs. 7). Zechariah was a priest in the days of Herod; Elizabeth was a daughter of a priest. This couple spent their life obedient and blameless in the eyes of the Lord (vs. 6). But, Elizabeth was barren. God had not given them the blessing of their own children. Verse 13 gives indication that Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed for children, but we know they were content to live the life that God gave them. As we encounter Elizabeth for the first time, we are struck with the faithful obedience to God. She was righteous and blameless before God and kept all the commandments and statues of the Lord. What an amazing testimony! We pray that as you study Elizabeth’s life that you will be challenged to be more faithful, more trusting and more content to live the live that our sovereign Lord has given you to live.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our New Study....

We will begin studying in the book of Luke today, but more specifically we will study the women in Luke. Before we can dive into the various women that are mentioned in this book, we must take some time to lay out the background of the author and importance of this book. Luke, as we probably all know, was a doctor. As a Gentile he would have been objective in his research of the details he writes about and as a doctor he would have been meticulous to be sure that everything was written down as it occurred. Luke was a faithful believer and loyal friend to Paul. He wrote this book to a man named Theophilus. While we do not know exactly who this man was, we do know that Luke address the book of Acts to the same man. Theophilus could have been a new believer who needed to be grounded in the truth, or he could have been an unbeliever who needed to hear the truth of Christ. We are looking forward to studying not only the facts of the book of Luke, but to study the women of Luke. What was their faith like. How did they respond to Christ? What can we learn from them? Study notes are provided on the right side of the blog. I hope you'll print them off and study along with us. As always, we would love to hear from you, so feel free to leave a note here or on our Facebook page. Thanks for listening!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A New Team Member

We are pleased to introduce the newest member of our Women in the Word team. Her name is Jackie Hale. Jackie will share her testimony with us today and we will spend a couple of sessions interviewing her to help you get to know her better and then she will join us on the program during various studies. We hope that you will be encouraged by listening to her as she shares how God has worked in her life. Her story is simply a testimony of God's grace and power and we are so thankful for her giving God the glory!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Looking Ahead....

This week we will finish re-broadcasting our series of study in Titus 2. We hope that this time of studying these verses has been a blessing and challenge to you in your walk of faith. As we move on in our study we will introduce to you a new member of our Women in the Word team. We are thankful for other women that God has brought our way to help us in this ministry. Following this introduction, we will then dive into the book of Luke to study the women that Luke mentions in his gospel. It is an exciting study and we are all anxious to share what God has taught us in this study. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Titus 2 and beyond...

We have personally enjoyed listening to the re-broadcasts of Titus 2. It has been 3 years now since we originally recorded them. Our team of Women in the Word ladies began with Pam, Rebecca and Sarah; now we are expanding our team to 9 ladies for 2012. It has been an answer to our prayer to watch how the Lord is using this program in the lives of many women. Our prayer is that we would continue to encourage and challenge women with the truth of God's Word for as long as He would have us through this broadcast. Thank you so much for listening and letting us know how God's Word is changing your life.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sharathon 2011

Thank you for listening to WCTS and for tuning into our program "Women in the Word." It is a privilege to study God's Word and share what we have learned with you. We are so thankful for many who volunteer their time to help make Women in the Word possible. We are asking that during the week of September 19-23, 2011, you would prayerfully consider making a financial donation to WCTS during Sharathon. Your gift goes a long way to help support their ministry and ours as well. You can call the station directly at 763-417-8270 or 1-866-766-8556. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Titus 2:1-5

For the next 6-7 weeks, we will re-play the Titus 2:1-5 sessions which originally aired from January to March 2009. Study notes are available for this study and are listed under the "Study Notes" section on the right of this blog. You are free to print these notes and study along with us. If you have any questions or wish to make any comments, you can do so here. As a reminder, you can find us on Facebook as "Women in the Word." "Like" us there and you can post comments or ask questions there as well. Thank you for listening and studying God's Word with us. It truly is a privilege to share with you!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ending Ecclesiastes

As we end Ecclesiastes today, we want to ask you what you learned as you studied through this book with us. We share some things today that we have learned, what about you? Was there one or two things that really stuck with you? How can you use this book to encourage other believers?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Teaching our children to remember....

Ecclesiastes 12 begins with this admonition, "Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth." How do we teach our children, grandchildren and other young people the important truth of remembering? Many times in Scripture, God says "remember." One instance is in Genesis 9:15-16. After the flood, God told Noah and his sons to remember the covenant He made with them. The bow was that was set in the sky is the sign of remembrance. God desires us to remember His truths. By teaching our children and young ones of the truths in God's Word, we can be obedient to His command to remember. What are you currently doing to teach those younger than you to remember God's truth?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hope in God

As we begin our study in Ecclesiastes 11 we see that merchants and farmers must trust God for their livelihood in the midst of uncertain profit of investments. As the farmer does not know if his crops will yield food, so we do not know how God has ordained the future. As women, how can Christians grow in their faith? Matthew 6:32-34 reminds us to not be concerned about our future food or clothes as our Heavenly Father knows that we are in need of these things. The challenge is to not be anxious or concerned about these things. As we learn to trust God in the areas of our most basic needs, our faith can and will grow as we see God's hand provide for us. So how about you? What events in your life can you look back to see how God has provided for you. May I challenge you to write these times down and remember God's provision for you. I guarantee that this will be an encouragement to you as you wait for the Lord to provide for your needs in the future.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Responding to the Foolish

How are believers to respond to foolish rulers? Isn't it true that we often don't agree with those who are in authority - whether it be our parents, our country's leaders, our teachers or our pastor. But.....just because we don't agree with those in authority doesn't make them foolish. What does make one foolish? Foolishness is not based on what we think is best, rather it is based on God's Word. After seeking wisdom (James 1:5) about if a leader is foolish, praying for that leader is the best way to respond. After seeking God’s will and direction, talk with the authority about your concerns. Take caution to be kind and gracious with your words. Finally, trust that God can make foolish decisions be used for good (remember Joseph?).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Foolish Talkers

Have you ever thought about how powerful your words are? Solomon takes time in Ecclesiastes 10:12-14 to share the difference between foolish words and wise words. When a wise man speaks, the effect is positive; a fool's words leads to destruction. What are your words like? Do they build up another, or do they tear down? Are they filled with kindness (Prov. 31:26) or anger? James has much to say about the tongue and how powerful it is for being such a small member of our body. Take time to evaluate your words and perhaps ask another to keep you accountable and give you feedback about how you are using your words.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Solomon gives examples of four foolish men in Ecclesiastes 10:4-7. Of course, these foolish characteristics can and do apply to women as well. So pay close attention as we spend the next several sessions taking some time to discuss how men (and women) are foolish. The four men described are: Rulers, Workers, Talkers and Officers. As we go through this study, ask the Lord to reveal to you any foolish tendencies YOU have and then seek God's forgiveness and ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Using Wisdom

Ecclesiastes is full of the importance of wisdom. Today we ask how Christian women can use wisdom in their home. Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (wisdom); fools despise wisdom and instruction. To be wise, we must fear the Lord and remember that our main purpose for life on earth is to glorify God (Revelation 4:11). As we keep that as our foundation, we can then understand that using God's word in our home, in every day life is of utmost importance! In her marriage, a wife must use wisdom as she responds rightly to her husband in communication, submission, respect and intimacy. A mother can use wisdom as she raises her children to embrace their gender, modesty, self-control, discipline and obedience. In taking care of her home, the woman can remember that God has called her to be a keeper of the home (Titus 2:5) and she should take care of it in an efficient proper manner. To her parents/grandparents, a woman can honor them when she submits to their wishes (after God and her husband) and caring for them. Colossians 3:17 - "And whatever you do in word and deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God's Sovereignty

In Ecclessiastes 9:11-12 we see even more explanation from Solomon about God's sovereignty. While it is generally true that the fastest runners win the race, that the strongest win the battle and that smartest people become rich, it does not always occur. The healthiest person may die suddenly in an accident. What Solomon is trying to share with his readers is that God is in control of our life on earth. No man can plan when he is born, neither can man plan his departure. As women applying this truth to our life, we must hold confidently to God's sovereign plan, not only for our own life, but also for the lives of our family and friends. Our life is in God's hands. This can give us a great amount of comfort and encouragement as we trust in His plan. A woman I know of has a young daughter who almost didn't survive after her birth. Their family went through a difficult time as the Lord worked in their daughter and eventually healed her. Just a few years later, this same family discovered that the husband had cancer and passed away within the year. This woman has been a testimony of God's grace and strength and has acknowledged God's plan for HER life in the midst of these difficult and trying years. She has shown joy and acknowledged her sorrow; but shows the hope she has in God despite her difficult days. What peace we can have through hard times as we trust wholeheartedly in God's sovereign plan in our lives!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Enjoy Life

Ecclesiastes 9 begins with the fact that all mankind will eventually die. The wicked along with the righteous have the same fate. The living are better than the dead in that they still have time to evaluate their life and how they are living, whether for God or self. Verses 7-10 then point out that believers should enjoy their life rather than despair over the fact that death will come. Solomon has written this fact before in chapter 3:13. God has given us good gifts to enjoy, food, family perhaps a spouse. He has also given us "toil" (our responsibility) of working on this earth. All these things can and should be enjoyed. Colossians 3:17 is a good reminder that "whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." How about you? Are you enjoying your life as God has given you? Whether you are a single woman searching God's will, a wife who is keeping her home, a mom caring for her children, an elderly woman in a nursing home, or a woman who is serving God in the church, you can serve God with joy. It is God's gift to you. Tell us, what are some things you are thankful for?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

But Why?

Why?????? So often we wonder and ask just why God would allow the righteous to suffer? Our heart is truly to encourage you today where you are at. Maybe you are going through a difficult time right now and are discouraged in your walk with God. Read 1 Peter 2:19-23 and see how God calls us to suffer. We are then given the example of Christ and how He unjustly suffered for OUR sins and did not complain or ask Why? Another aspect to think through is that God has already answered our Why? question of suffering. Here it is: (James 1:3) "the testing of your faith produces steadfastness" and (Romans 5:3) "suffering produces endurance." Wow! Have you ever thought about how that is an answer to the Why? of suffering? Romans 5:3 challenges us to REJOICE in our sufferings. So you may never know all that God is doing when you go through difficult times, but be assured, you can go through trials with joy knowing that God is working in you to grow more like Christ. (Romans 8:28-29). Can we pray for you today? If you wish, comment on this post (you can do so anonymously) and let us know how we can pray for you. We trust God will use these truths to encourage you as you strive to honor Him.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Suffering of the Righteous

Ecclesiastes 8:12-14, reveal to us that the wicked will do evil and seem to prevail and the righteous will do good and suffer. What truth is an encouragement to the righteous during this time? Verse 12 says that "it will be well with those who fear God." Verse 13 says "it will not be well with the wicked...because he does not fear before God." Although on this earth, it may seem that the wicked prevail, the believer can have confidence that in the end, the wicked will be judged. Psalm 37 is a wonderful piece of Scripture that reminds the righteous to trust and commit their way to God despite the wicked's apparent success. What about you? Do you despair over the seeming success of those who do not fear God? Are you content to suffer and have "just enough" while serving God here on earth. Scripture promises that it will be well for those who fear God. Remember Romans 8:28-29? All things will work for our good. Even suffering is a good thing as it is a way that God uses to conform us more to Christ.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Encouraging Our Leaders

As we look at being obedient to the authority of the land in which we live, we also realize that we can be an encouragement to those who hold office and make decisions which affect our lives. Here's some ways that you can be an encouragement to our nation's leaders:
  1. Pray for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-2). Call, write or email them and ask them how you can pray for them. Pray that they would pass and enforce just laws.
  2. During elections, know who you are voting for. Research the candidates and know who will stand for godly principles.
  3. In a proper manner, make calls/send emails to your representatives telling them you agree or disagree with an issue and why. Be sure you have prayed and considered the timing of your disagreement (Eccl. 8:6)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obedience to Authority

Ecclesiastes chapter 8 opens up the topic of discussion on obedience to authority - to leaders and laws of the land. Have you ever thought about various ways that you may struggle with obedience to laws in your country? What about car safety - speed limits, seat belts, car seats for kids or tax laws, business laws, etc...? Do you strive to be obedient to the laws of the land whether you agree with them or not? Romans 13:1-7 is another section of Scripture that gives believers direction obedience to authority: "Let every person be subject to governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God...therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed..." All believers are to place themselves under the authority of the laws of our country. How we react when we disagree with a law is an indication of our heart, whether we are willing to be submissive to God's leading or not. God instituted authority and as we obey human authority, we are obeying and honoring our Heavenly Father. So next time you think about driving a little faster or disregard any other law, remember you are really disobeying God. Think about it and let us know what you think.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Biblical Response to Hurt

How can we not be offended when others speak wrongly of us? Ecclesiastes 7:21 says, "Do not take to heart all the things that people say..." It is difficult to choose to not be offended when we are spoken wrongly of. Yet, we can make that choice to not let those unkind words offend us. We referred to Martha Peace's book Damsels in Distress, to help us think through this biblically. Here's some thoughts from the book:
  • We can show love those those who sin against us.
  • Thank God for the test.
  • Overcome evil with good
  • Give a blessing instead
  • Pray for those who mistreat you.
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt.
  • Do not judge people's motives

We pray that our discussion on this topic would be helpful and encouraging to you as you seek to honor God in all areas of life.

Monday, July 11, 2011

God's Sovereign Plan

How can the fact that God has made both the good and bad times affect the way we view and live our life? Such a good question to consider as we think through the truths of Ecclesiastes 7:13-14. What a peace believers can have as we accept God's sovereign plan for us. Trusting that God has made good days and days of adversity and that He is in control of each day causes us to rejoice, trust, depend on and honor God. We pray that you are recognizing God's hand on each day and event that comes your way.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Honoring God in Prosperity & Adversity

Ecclesisastes 7:13-14 are verses that really prick the heart. " Consider the work of God...In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other..." As we think about the life that God has called us to live, we can be assured that He has has made each day not only so He can be glorified, but that we might grow more like Christ. There are times of prosperity and times of adversity. These verses remind me that God's sovereign hand is upon the good times and bad times in my life. Do I complain at His plan for me or do I rejoice at how He can use me? There are many examples of those who have honored God in prosperous times and in times of difficulty. What do you do? Do you praise and honor the Savior during your prosperous times? Do you rejoice in your suffering knowing that it is for your good? Or are you prone to take the credit for your wealth and complain when life gets hard? Realize that the way you respond to prosperous and adverse times is a reflection of your heart and your walk with God. Get to know God more, be in His Word and when those times come, you will be ready to honor God.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Overcoming Obstacles to Wisdom

We talked about obstacles to wisdom in our last session. Today and tomorrow we will talk about ways to overcome these obstacles. As we run our race, God has given truth in His word to help us be victors and overcomers! That is exciting! I hope you are trusting His word as you seek to daily walk in obedience to Him. What are you currently doing to be victorious in your walk with Christ?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Obstacles to Wisdom

As we run the race set before us, we find that there are many obstacles in our way. Yet, our Heavenly Father has given us the tool (His Word!) to know how to overcome these obstacles. As we seek to attain godly wisdom, there are obstacles. Ecclesiastes 7:7-10 tell us that adversity and prosperity are two of the main obstacles. In addition to that we can see how anger, pride, discontent, bribery, being easily offended are also obstacles. On Monday, we are going to talk about how we can avoid these obstacles as we seek to glorify Him.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lessons from Suffering

Ecclesiastes may seem like a difficult book to understand at first read. I think it is! I am thankful that as I study, God opens up to me biblical principles to guide my life. Our prayer is that you would take these truths and let them encourage and challenge your heart. Scripture has much to say about suffering in many other places. It's no surprise that here in the book of Ecclesiastes the wisest person deals with this topic. Our question for chapter 7:1-6: "What lessons from suffering can believers learn from these verses?" (If you wish to take notes, there are free notes available for you with the Scripture references we mention. You can download them right off the blog under the "Notes" section.) Listen in and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Until We Meet Again....

Dear Listeners, Our hearts are thrilled to have had the pleasure of studying with Karen Hime on Women in the Word. Today will be Karen's last day on the program with us. Through a variety of events that God has worked in her life, she has decided that it would be best to devote her time to other areas of ministry that she is involved with. As you think of her, continue to pray for Karen as she uses God's Word in her own personal spiritual growth, and as she counsels with others. Perhaps we may have the privilege of having her on the program as a guest in the future! As we continue or study in Ecclesiastes, we'll be joined by Meredith Henderson and Gloria Ormiston. These women have been guests on the program in the past and we look forward to their time with us in the future. Thank you for praying for us as we strive to study God's Word and apply it to women. Walk with the Lord and be a blessing, Rebecca, Pam, Crystal & Sarah

Friday, June 24, 2011

God's View of Success

There are a lot of ideas in our world today about what achievements make you successful. Achieving your dream job, making a difference in the world, helping those in need, purchasing a home or vehicle are just some examples of success. In the Old Testament, many children and long life were considered blessings (Ecclesiastes 6:3-6). What does the Bible have to say about being successful in God's eyes? We have to be careful that we are not determining our success by the world's standards, rather by God's. This is very difficult to do, but as always, every thought must be based on the truth of God's Word. Here are some things from God's Word that we suggest are successful:
  1. Glorifying God by becoming more like Christ (Romans 8:29)
  2. Representing God well to others (Ephesians 4:1-2)
  3. Encouraging fellow believers to grow and change (Colossians 1:28-29)
  4. Rejoicing in trials (James 1:2-4)
  5. Developing the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24)
  6. Success is described in Paul's prayer to the believers in Ephesus (Ephesians 3:14-19)
  7. Developing godly character qualities (Colossians 3:12-17)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Continuing in Ecclesiastes

Deb Brammer will join us for another five sessions as we continue on with our study of Ecclesiastes. So, as we go on in chapter 6, we ask, "What role does God have in the satisfaction which wealth, possessions and honor can bring?" God gives us the ability to enjoy His creation and contentment and satisfaction comes from Him alone (Job 1:21-22). Do you take time each day to be thankful and praise God for the things He gives you to enjoy? Are you recognizing that all you have comes from Him alone? What a challenge it is to remember that it is God who gives the ability to enjoy all things!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Visit With a Missionary

Over the next few broadcasts we will be visiting with missionary Deb Brammer. She currently is ministering with her husband, Art, in the country of New Zealand. We hope you will be able to tune in and listen as she shares her heart for serving the Lord and for the ministry she is in. Here is more about Deb: I was raised in a pastor’s home and I was a compliant child. Compared to other kids my age I was a pretty good kid. But if you compared me to Christ or God’s perfect standard of holiness, of course I fell far short. As a child of five I understood that I was a sinner, was sorry for my sin, and believed in Jesus Christ as my Savior. My life didn’t suddenly make great changes, but that simple decision changed the course of my entire life. I never wandered far away from God or fell into deep sin that could hurt my testimony. I always wanted my life to count for God. Becoming a Christian at an early age saved me from sin and a lifetime of regrets. During my teenage years I gave my life to the Lord and asked Him to lead me. I always had a heart for ministry and a desire to serve Him in a career ministry. While at Bible college I felt God calling me to write for Christian publication. God also led me to my future husband and missionary service. Art and I have served with Baptist Mid Missions for more than thirty years. We served in Taiwan for sixteen years and have been working in New Zealand for more than 13 years so far. We count it a privilege to serve the Lord in whatever place He puts us. You can find more about Deb and her ministry: and .

Monday, June 13, 2011

Honoring God With Our Possessions

How can we enjoy our possessions in a way that honors God? Ecclesiastes 5:19 says, "Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them...this is the gift of God." God gives us the privilege of enjoying what we have. We must enjoy our possessions in a way that pleases and gives honor to the ONE who gave them to us! Here's our thoughts about how we can enjoy our possessions to honor God.
  1. Have the right heart attitude (Proverbs 30:7-9)
  2. Praise Him for creation
  3. Recognize that all we have comes from God
  4. Use our skills and strengths to help others
  5. Be good stewards of what we have
  6. Trust in God and not our riches (1 Timothy 6:17-19)
  7. Give God the glory with what you have.

What do you think? What are some ways that you are currently using your gifts, material possessions or money to honor God?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Money Does Not Bring Happiness

Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 talk about the theme of the vanity of wealth and possessions. Verse 10 says that "He who loves money will not be satisfied with money..." What a sobering thought to mediate on. So often we are happy (only for a little while) when we have plenty of money in our checkbook. So our question today is: "Why is money unable to bring happiness or contentment?" When money is what we strive after, we are not living in obedience. This holds true for any other material possession or relationship in life. Matthew 22:27 tells us that we need to love God with our whole heart, not money, things or people. Material possessions will eventually break, be lost, stolen or waste away (Matthew 6:19-21). Money does not last, but God's love does. Obedience, resting in God's love and His promises for us bring true happiness and contentment. Are you striving for your happiness in God or are you striving for money or material possessions to bring you contentment?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fearing God

Ecclesiastes 5:7 says that "God is the one you must fear." What does it mean to fear God? Well, in this context, the word "fear" means "to fear, tremble." It is the idea that we ought to fear God's wrath so much that if we make a promise we will fulfill it and not give excuses as to why we cannot. For when we break a promise given to Him we are at risk of losing what God has allowed us to achieve (vs. 6). We ought not to fear man, our reputation or be prideful, but we must fear God and be obedient to Him.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Approaching God

As we approach God to worship Him, it is important that we come to Him with the right attitude. Have you ever attempted to worship Him when your mind is distracted? Have you ever tried to pray after a fight with someone in your family? It is difficult to come to God if our minds are not prepared to come to Him with reverence. Today we will share our thoughts regarding coming to God with the right attitude. How do you prepare your mind to worship Him?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ecclesiastes 5 - Worship

As we begin Ecclesiastes 5 we find that Solomon is now visiting the temple. As we read through these first three verses, we see that there are many truths which we can apply to our lives today! Solomon tells us to Guard your steps and to Draw near to listen. Wow! These are big truths to apply as we seek to worship God. For many, worship can become a meaningless exercise, something we do because we have always done it. For others, it takes mental work to get to church with a heart prepared for worship. Solomon is telling us to "proceed with reverence" and acknowledge the authority of God. Are you coming to worship God each week with a heart of reverence and prepared to listen to God's Word?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Godly Friendships

Solomon talks about friendship in verses 9-12 of Ecclesiastes 4. Here we are reminded of the importance of friendships. Today, we talk about godly friendships and why they are important. We talk about the friendship of David and Jonathan from 1 Samuel 18-20. Here is an example of a friendship where they truly showed love for one another as Matthew 22:39 would instruct believers to show love. Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a godly friend loves at all times and in 27:6 we see that a godly friend will be faithful to tell you the truth - even if it hurts. So what about you....are you this godly friend? Do you seek to develop godly friendships?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Envy vs. Contentment

In Ecclesiastes 4:4, we read about man's envy. Solomon notes that envy is a part of what motivates man to work. Today, we talk about what believers can do to be content rather than envious. Learning contentment is a heart attitude. It is not something that we will naturally be good at. Paul says in Philippians 4:11 that he learned to be content. As believers, we need to understand that:
  1. Envy is sin.
  2. The outcome of envy is not God-honoring.
  3. Believers cannot show true love if they are envious.
  4. We need to put on thankfulness and contentment in place of envy.

We share many practical things from Scripture today about how we can choose contentment rather than envy. We challenge you today to reflect on your life. Are you choosing to be thankful for all things, or are you envious about what others have? How does the truth of this passage encourage you?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 4

Warren Wiersbe in his book, Be Satisfied, helps us to understand an outline of this chapter. We will reference Wiersbe as we discuss this chapter over the coming week. Solomon will record his observations from visiting four different places:
  1. The Courtroom (vs. 1-3)
  2. The Marketplace (vs. 4-8)
  3. The Highway (vs. 9-12)
  4. The Palace (vs. 13-16)

As we begin this chapter today, we find Solomon visiting the courtroom, observing the oppressed. There are many people who find themselves under the rule of an unjust authority even in our day and age. Solomon acknowledges that oppression is real, and yet in these first three verses does not seem to have to a desire to do anything about it. Rather, he woefully says that it would be better for the oppressed to be dead. As we seek to apply this section of Scripture to our lives, may we challenge you to be hopeful and give hope to others who are going through difficult circumstances? Maybe you are working for an unjust boss who treats you unfairly, maybe your child is facing a bully at school. In each of these situations we have the hope of Scripture to remember and offer. We can be encouraged that God knows all things and that for those who believe, God is using our trials for good (Romans 8:28).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 3:16-22

As we finish out chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes we spend some time discussion how the fact that God's judgment on both the righteous and wicked should affect our daily lives. We know from the Bible that God will call both the righteous and wicked into judgement. The righteous have been washed by the Blood of Christ and are pardoned from sin. The wicked are doomed to eternal separation from God. Because of these facts, we ought to be striving to share Christ ever more with those who are unsaved! Knowing that your unsaved neighbor will one day spend eternity in hell ought to cause you to break through your uncomfortableness and share the Truth! Is there someone in your life whom you need to share Christ with today? If so, don't delay!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 3:9-15

God sets eternity in each man's heart - meaning we all have a natural curiosity towards finding out our purpose of life, what time is all about, when life began and what is to come when we die. Thankfully, we have God's word to instruct us and give us a portion of God's plan! Many people strive to find peace with what they are doing in their life by volunteering in their community, being in the Red Cross, taking missions trips and doing things to make them feel like they are "making a difference." When we have God's perspective in mind for all of life, we come to realize that the job that God gives to us (whether it is a wife, stay at home mom, or a woman working outside her home) is "making a difference" when performed according to the truth of God's word. We pray you'll be encouraged by the discussions of this section of the Bible. As always, we'd love to hear from you if you have anything to ask or share! Oh, we also mentioned a book today on the program: Don't Waste Your Life, by John Piper. We've posted a link for this book under "favorite books" on the right of our blog.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 3 "There is a time"

As we move on today in our study of Ecclesiastes, Warren Wiersbe in Be Satisfied gives this outline for chapter 3.
  • Look up: God orders time (vs. 1-8)
  • Look within: Eternity in your heart (9-15)
  • Look ahead: Death is coming to all (16-22)

We begin in verses 1-8 which is a more familiar section of this book. Solomon now turns his attention to sharing some facts about God's sovereignty as it relates to time, events and emotions. Over the next few days we'll be talking about the things Solomon is contrasting and what spiritual truths these contrasts can have on us. Please share with us any thoughts you have as you study with us.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ecclesiastes 2:12-26

In this next section of Scripture we find that Solomon now turns his attention to the vanity of toil. In Solomon's eyes, he hated all he had toiled for as it would now be left to someone who did not work for it. He was concerned for his possessions and gave his "heart up to despair" over this (vs. 20). His conclusion in verse 24 is that a person should find enjoyment in his toil rather than despair because of it. Here we begin to see a shift in Solomon's thinking. He now begins to give credit to God for the ability to enjoy toil and gifts. Please join us as we spend the next few days talking through our questions and seeking to practically apply truths from this book to our lives.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 2:1-11

Solomon now moves on to a test. He writes in chapter 2:1 that he will now test himself with pleasure. In verses 4-8 we see exactly what he did and what he had that brought him pleasure. he indulged himself in any way he desired and nothing was withheld from him (vs. 10). At the end of this "test" he reaches this conclusion in vs. 11 - "Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold all was vanity and a striving after the wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun." Please join us as we take the next several days to talk through this section of Scripture. We will also strive to practically apply these truths to our lives as women. As always, please feel free to share any thoughts you have as we study!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 1

Today we begin discussing our questions for chapter 1. Again, we have provided study notes for you to follow along with us. You can study along with us or even ahead as you have the ability. It is also our desire that you use these study notes to have a personal study with other women as you can. As we begin our study today we see that Solomon makes a broad sweeping statement about life in chapter 1:2, "Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity." Solomon is going to now lay the foundation for why he believes all is vanity over the next several chapters. Over the next several days we will take some time to answer the questions we've posed concerning chapter 1. Please let us know what you are learning as you study!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ecclesiastes - the beginning

As we begin the study of Ecclesiastes today, our desire is talk a bit about who the author was and the significance of this book. I appreciate what the Holman Concise Bible Commentary by D.A. Garrett has to say: "Many Christian readers are troubled by Ecclesiastes. From the very beginning, where it declares that everything is meaningless (1:2), it seems unashamedly pessimistic and negative on life. Some wonder why this book is in the Bible. But if we carefully examine its background and message, we discover that Ecclesiastes confronts us and drives us to God in a way that few books do. Ecclesiastes tells us it was written by a son of David who was king in Jerusalem over Israel (1:1, 12). This points to Solomon since he alone, after David, ruled both Judah and Israel." The commentary goes on to say: "Christian readers, after they have shaken off the initial shock of reading Ecclesiastes, have often described it as a defense of the faith or even an evangelistic work. Ecclesiastes shows that many of the pursuits of life, including wealth, education, and power, do not really fulfill. In that way Ecclesiastes shows that life without God is meaningless and drives the reader to faith." It is our desire to study this book with the intent of applying many spiritual truths to our lives. We are going to see that as Ecclesiastes 12:13 says, "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." We pray that you will join us as we study through this book. Please ask questions and comment about how God is using His word to help you in your daily walk with God.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Our New Study....

Have you been wondering what we are going to study next? We are excited to share with you that beginning on Monday, April 18th, we will begin to talk through the book of Ecclesiastes. I don't know about you, but Ecclesiastes is not a book that I spend a lot of time in. This will be a fascinating time to discover truths from this selection of Scripture. As usual, study notes will be available as we work through this book. If you miss a session, archives are available by following the link to the right of the blog. Thanks for listening, and please let us know how you are impacted as we study through the book of Ecclesiastes together.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Interview

For the next three days, we will spend some time talking with Meredith Henderson. Here's a bit of information about her in her own words: "I was raised in a Christian home where attending and serving in church was what my whole family did. At the age of 17 during a Sunday morning service I finally acknowledged my sin and need of a Savior and thanked the Lord for His death in my place and gift of salvation. (Ephesians 2:8,9) Several years later in college a friend, Doreen Maxfield, discipled me for over a year and provided a strong foundation for my growing faith. I met Keith, my husband, at the end of our senior year of college and by God's grace we have been married for over 30 years. We have three grown children; two of whom are married, and one grandson. Time and again, we have faced challenges in our life and God has shown us His desire to be glorified in the solutions. We love to tell "God Stories" about what He has done! (Psalm 34:3)" We look forward to hearing more of her testimony and hearing from her how she is a woman of God's Word!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ruth in Review

As we close our study in this book, we now ask you to tell us what you learned as you studied along with us? What was the most challenging to you? What was the most encouraging? How can you take these truths learned and practically apply them to your life. We strive to know God's word more so that we can reflect Christ more in our daily life. Knowledge is incomplete without action. Take some time to write down ways you can do the truths you have learned and then pray that God would help you as you seek to glorify Him! Thank you for studying along with us, and thank you to those who have shared their thoughts and questions along the way.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Determining God's Will

As we continue on in Ruth chapter 4, we find that Boaz is now at the town gate, seeking to make his redeeming of Naomi's land (and Ruth) a completed transaction. However, he realizes that there is another kinsman that has the legal right to redeem it. Because Boaz was a honorable man, he chose to do what was right and allow the opportunity for this other kinsman to redeem the land and even possibly to lose Ruth in the process. After some discussion, the closer kinsman decides to give his rights of redemption to Boaz. Boaz legally transacts this agreement. As we consider some practical application to this section of Ruth, we ask, "How can Christians differentiate between God's will and simply fleshly desires in the midst of making decisions?" As we consider how much Boaz in his flesh desired to marry Ruth and be the redeemer for Naomi's family, we can understand how difficult it might have been to do things the right way in the sight of God. But Boaz was a godly man who chose to do right, even if it meant that he would not benefit from that decision. God honored him in this situation and allowed Boaz to have the desire of his heart. As we make decisions on a daily basis, we must remember that we are to submit to God's will and not just our own desires. We have to remember that our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9) and that we must trust God to know what is best for us. Ephesians 4:17-24 is a wonderful passage to look up and mediate as we consider God's will. We pray that this session has been helpful and encouraging to you as you seek to reflect Christ in your daily walk.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ruth's reputation

As we continue to talk about Ruth, we see that her reputation is widely known throughout the town. Her kindness and good deeds towards her mother in law was known by everyone. Her hard work was evident to Boaz and other workers in the field. Her obedience to Naomi regarding her relationship to Boaz is a reflection of her character. Ruth was a noble woman. What does "noble" mean? As we discuss this principle today, we hope that you are evaluating your own life. Are you striving after a noble reputation that is honoring to God and a reflection of Christ to others?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Biblical Advice About Marriage

In Ruth chapter 3, we see that Naomi gives instruction to Ruth about what to do in her relationship with Boaz. Ruth obediently listens and does what Naomi asks of her. This scenario in Scripture causes us to ask how as women today we can give wise, biblical advice to a young woman who wants to be sure that she is marrying the right person? Listen in as we discuss this question today. We would love to hear from you too! What biblical principles have you shared with your daughter or other young women regarding marriage?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ruth's obedience

In Ruth 3:1-5, we find that Naomi is now giving Ruth instructions concerning her relationship with Boaz. Ruth responds with a heart of obedience to her mother-in-law. She humbly submitted to Naomi to do what she asked her to. This obedience reveals much about Ruth's character. She not only trusted God to lead her, but she trusted Naomi to give her instruction about her own future! Wow! How many of us today would be so quick to be obedience to our parents or in-laws when given instruction. Sometimes we are so quick to think that we have it all together and that we are old enough to make our own decisions. We must remember that God places people in our lives to help reveal His will for us. It is wise for a daughter to ask her mother for advice in wedding plans or parenting struggles. While decisions are ultimately up to us and we are responsible to the Lord for our decisions, let us also remember that when we pray and seek the council of others who are older in their walk with the Lord that we can gain insights that we hadn't thought of. Perhaps the Lord will use a parent, grandparent or older woman in your church to help you think more biblically about a situation. We pray that this study of Ruth will encourage you as you seek to grow more godly in your character.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Character qualities of a godly woman

We've been talking a lot about character qualities that should be found in women who are striving to serve the Lord. In Ruth chapter 2, we learn more about these qualities. Judging from the events of this story what character traits does God honor in His people? These are what we found as we studied:
  • Confidence
  • Diligence
  • Faithfulness
  • Good stewardship
  • Contentment
  • Compassion
  • Loyalty
  • Patience

Think through this list in your own life. In what areas do you find yourself needing to grow? What areas are your strength that you can teach others?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ruth - Her sacrifice and kindness

In 2:8-23, we find that Ruth is now having a conversation with Boaz, the owner of the field where she is gleaning. Here we can see again how much God is providentially caring for her (see post entry 3/8/11). Ruth had sacrificed to stay with Naomi. She left her family, her country and all that was familiar and comfortable to her. Ruth then chose to sacrifice for the good of her mother-in-law. She went to work in the fields to provide food for her and much more. The passage reveals that Ruth did much more to show kindness to Naomi and was full of good works (see verse 11). There is much we can learn from Ruth of her sacrifice and kindness. Is your life a testimony of God's love? Are you showing kindness and sacrifice to those who are closest to you?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ruth- God's Providential Care

In 2:1-7 we find that Ruth asks for permission from Naomi to glean in the fields. Gleaning was a provision of God for the poor according to the Old Testament law. As readers of this story we can see that God providentially had Ruth "happen" to go to Boaz's field. This is not chance, rather the perfect plan of God! God saw fit to not only make a way for Naomi and Ruth to receive food by gleaning, but He also planned the exact field for Ruth to go to. This field belonged to Boaz, a relative of the family and as we know would become the kinsman redeemer. How marvelous! As we reflect on God's perfect plan in Ruth and Naomi's lives, we can be challenged that God has a perfect plan for us. Nothing happens by chance; rather, all things happen according to His will. God is not surprised when a family crisis comes your way, nor is he surprised when you find yourself pregnant when you weren't planning on it! God sovereignly is in control of the people you meet, the job you have, the church you attend. He knows the path of your life regarding health, finances, and your home. He has it planned! Not only does He have it planned, but He also has made a way to provide for all that you need. How wonderful the peace that comes when we truly accept His plan and give up our wishes and our desires and strive to please Him in every area of life. How about you? Do you understand that God is in control of your life? Or, do you somehow think that you are in control? Do you go to God in prayer when you have a decision to make? We pray that you will grab hold of this truth and let it sink into your heart and find perfect peace.
The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand. (Psalm 37:23-24 ESV)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ruth - Chapter 2:1-7

Haven't you been encouraged by our study so far? No matter how many times I read this book, I still learn to apply truths every time. So never tire of reading familiar stories....rather ask God to help you understand how to apply the truth to your life. Today we begin studying in Ruth chapter 2. We will spend some time asking some basic questions about the story and then will get into discussion application. In chapter 2, we are introduced now to a man by the name of Boaz. We learn much about his character and the kind of man that he was: a Godly man who had integrity and self-control. He was kind and generous. Wow! Seeking to be obedient in just these characteristics is a life-time of work! Yet we know that becoming the woman God wants you to be is possible through God's grace....never give up trying even if you fail. In our study of Ruth, we find that Naomi and Ruth were poor, widowed and destitute. These women were vulnerable and yet God led them back to Bethlehem where they would be able find food, housing and where Ruth would eventually meet her future husband who would generously give to her needs. Wow! I don't know about you, but this gives me more confidence as I seek to be faithful to my Savior.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Godly Relationships

The relationship that Naomi and Ruth had was God-ordained, God-honoring, and an example to us as women. God sovereignly brought them together and allowed them to give glory to Him through their example. As we have learned, Naomi must have had some incredible character qualities for Ruth to have been so adamant about following her to her hometown. How does their relationship inspire you to relate to loved ones in your own life?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God's Loving Concern

Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem during the barley harvest. This was the first harvest of the year, but Scripture tells us that God was blessing! We can see several ways that God showed his loving concern for Naomi, even though she claimed that His hand was against her (1:13). Here's what we came up with:
  1. God allowed Ruth to return along with Naomi. This made the trip home not so lonely!
  2. They returned at a time when they could store up food for themselves.
  3. Naomi had the ability to return home, even at her older age.
  4. Ruth was younger and was able to work to help Naomi.

Even when situations don't look that wonderful, if we look close enough, we can see where God still shows His love and concern for us. Maybe it's in an unexpected financial gift, or a neighbor stops by to help with a project. Maybe it's just the peace that God gives us as we stay faithful to Him in a difficult trial. In any case, God loves us and is always watching over us to give us exactly what we need.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruth 1:19-22

Today, we begin studying the last section of chapter 1 of Ruth. Naomi and Ruth return home to Naomi's native land. The people notice! No doubt, these people would have heard of Naomi's loss of her husband and sons. The women even ask, "Is this Naomi?" and Naomi responds by telling them to call her Mara instead of Naomi. Why would she do this? Naomi means, "pleasant one." If Naomi had lived up to the meaning of her name, the people would have remembered her as such. Mara means, "bitter." This word is first used in Exodus 15:23 when Israelites came upon bitter water. The place was called, "Marah," because of it's bitterness. Naomi's response to the women indicate the place of her heart. She was no longer pleasant, but rather was now bitter because of her current circumstances. Although she recognizes that it is God which has caused these things to happen to her, she is not willing to submit to His plan. Rather, she is relaying her bitterness in what God is doing in her life. How about you? How do you respond towards what God is doing in your life? Do you recognize his sovereignty and yet still have a bitter heart? Or do you recognize his sovereignty and have a pleasant heart?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hope from Ruth

It is evident that Ruth had faith and confidence in the God of Israel. She would not have been so willing to leave her family, culture, false gods and everything else she had known for all of her life. It is also interesting to note that all Ruth would have learned about God through Naomi and her family for the previous 10 years. She did not have Scripture as we do today! How does her commitment to God offer hope and encouragement to you? We share our thoughts today on the program and would love to hear from you. Please share!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ruth's commitment

In chapter 1:17, Ruth tells of her commitment to Naomi. The Bible says in verse 14 that Ruth clung to her. This word "clung" is used in the same way as in Genesis 2:24 when God commands to man to "cleave" to his wife. Ruth's mind was made up. She was going home with Naomi and once Naomi saw her determination she said no more. How did Ruth reveal her commitment to Naomi?
  • Where you go, I will go. She commits to leaving her home.
  • Where you lodge, I will lodge. She commits to settling in a foreign land.
  • Your people shall be my people. She commits to embracing a new culture.
  • Your God shall be my God. She commits to denying her false gods and chooses faith in the one true God.
  • Where you die, I will die and there be buried. She gives up her right to be buried with her family in her home country.
  • May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you. A seal of her comittment to Naomi.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Losing Hope

Ruth 1:10-14 reveal to the reader that Orpah and Ruth desired to return to Bethlehem with Naomi. This reveals that they were willing to give up their family, their gods and their culture to follow their mother-in-law. As we discuss today, this shows they loved Naomi. She must have been a mother-in-law worth following in order for them to give up everything they knew. Then we find out that Naomi desires for them to stay home. She gave several reasons to them that they should return home: she no longer would bear any more children, she was too old to have another husband, she had lost hope and said the hand of the Lord was against her. Naomi felt that God was against her and that if these ladies followed her, they would suffer because of her. But why did Naomi feel God was against her? As we discuss today, we see from these verses that she loses hope. She acknowledges God's hand in her situation, but feels hopeless for any joy in her life. As you study these verses, do you see yourself like Naomi - losing hope in your time of trial? Never forget that the God who created you and loves you has His hand on all things in your life. He is good and as His child will cause all things to work for your good to conform you more to be like Christ (Romans 8:28-29).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Character qualities of a godly woman

We learn more about Naomi and Ruth as we continue on in our study. We are learn that while in Moab, Ruth's husband dies. Her two sons marry Moabite women and then her sons die. Naomi now finds herself in a foreign country with just two daughter-in-laws as her family. She had no grandchildren. At some point while Naomi was in the fields, she finds out that the Lord was blessing her people with food (vs. 6). Naomi desires to return to her people, her home and gives Orpah and Ruth a blessing. Her blessing was that the Lord would be kind to them as they had been to her and the dead and that they would find rest in the house of their husbands (most likely a desire for them to marry again). This relationship between Naomi and her daughter-in-laws cause us to ask about the character of these women. What kind of mother-in-law was Naomi to Orpah and Ruth to give them such a blessing? What kind of daughter-in-laws were Orpah and Ruth for Naomi to be so kind to them? What does this indicate about their relationship?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Setting

As we dig further into the background of the book of Ruth, we find in 1:1-2, some interesting facts about Ruth's family....before we even meet Ruth. It is helpful to know what is going on at the time of the writing. It helps to know how Ruth (a Moabite) would have found herself going to Bethlehem and serving the One True God. We find out from the first two verses that because of a famine in the land of Judah, Elimelech and his wife, Naomi, and two sons chose to move to the country of Moab. We're not told if they thought this was a temporary move or if their reasons for moving were prompted by God. All we know is that they moved. So here's a question for thought....Do you think that Elimelech's decision to move his family to Moab was wise? Why or why not?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Studying Ruth

Today we will begin studying the book of Ruth. We encourage you to take about 15 minutes and sit and read through the entire book. It's just 4 chapters long and will help you to refresh your memory about the story as we begin studying in detail. Notes for our study are posted on the right side of our blog. If you wish, you may print these notes and study ahead on your own or follow along with us as we study. As we begin today, we will discuss the purpose of the book of Ruth. Please share any thoughts or questions you might have here. We would love to hear from you!

Friday, February 4, 2011

An Interview with a Missionary

We are blessed to have the opportunity to have Hannah Scott with us on the program. She'll be sharing her testimony and ministry with her husband in Thailand. Hannah is the daughter of our own Pam Ormiston and we are delighted for this opportunity for Hannah to share her heart with us. She'll be with us from February 4-10, 2011. We hope you will enjoy listening! Hannah, a member of Family Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN, was born into a godly family on January 27, 1980 in Illinois. At the young age of four, Hannah placed her faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ through the testimony of her mother. Through the ministry of camp, Hannah surrendered her life to the Lord’s service around the age of 10. God continued to prepare her by providing ministry opportunities with children, youth, ladies, and counseling. Amidst the ministry at Family Baptist Church, Hannah and Duane realized the mutual desire and passion for missions that they shared. August 3, 2002 they were married. 2003 they began the application process with Baptist Mid Missions where they saw a presentation on Southeast Asian. After a brief survey trip to that area they began deputation for Thailand. Hannah and Duane have been serving in Thailand since June of 2006. You can follow their ministry here:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Imitating Good

As we close our study in 3 John, we want to spend the time talking about how we can encourage children and teens to imitate good in the midst of peer pressure. We can't ignore the fact that children and teens are bombarded with false philosophies on a daily basis. Every day that your child goes to school they must make a decision about whether they will choose to follow God or do what their friends do. Every day is an opportunity to talk with your children (or those whom you have influence over) and discuss how their walk with Christ is going. It is VITAL that we are being godly role models and mentors to those who are younger than us. Well, we share a lot of our thoughts today on the program. If you missed the broadcast you can look for the audio archives (link is located on the right of this blog) and listen. What do you think? How can Christian women encourage children and teens to imitate good?

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Negative Example

In 3 John 9, we have a negative example of a man named Diotrephes. He was a man who put himself first in the church and rejected authority. As we study this man and his characteristics, they certainly do not glorify Christ! John calls this man out and we have a written record of his negative example. What can we learn from this man? What situations might believers be tempted to be first? As you study this section of Scripture, do you find yourself like Diotrephes in any way? We encourage you to ask these hard questions of yourself. Evaluate your life - are you a negative example like Diotrephes or are you a godly example like Gaius?

Thursday, January 27, 2011


As we have studied 2 John and are now studying 3 John, we can see that hospitality was an important part of the believers in John's day. We also know from Scripture that we ought to be showing hospitality to others (Romans 12:13). Our topic of discussion today then is, "how can we show hospitality to other Christians?" We hope this is an encouragement to you as you seek to be obedient to God. How do you show hospitality to others?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Praying for the Believers

Today we want to talk specifically about praying for other believers. We know that prayer is an important characteristic in the life of the believer. We've talked about how it is an encouragement to others when we pray for them. But today, our conversation is more about How you can pray for other believers. We can see from 3 John that John prays for his fellow believers and we see how he prays for them. So we will take thoughts from this text and seek to apply it directly to how we pray for others. What about you? How doe you specifically pray for other believers?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Encouraging the Believers

Today we talk about why it is important to tell other believers that you are praying for them. First of all, it's so encouraging! It also is biblical. We see in this letter that John not only prays for Gaius, but he also tells Gaius of his prayers. What an example of love. When we not only show love by praying, we love even more by telling the believer we've prayed. Is there someone who you have been praying for that you could encourage by telling them so? Or, is there someone you should begin to pray for? Let's pray and's such an encouragement!

Friday, January 21, 2011

3 John

We begin a 2 week study of 3 John today. As you read through this book, you will find many similarities between 2 and 3 John. 3 John addresses hospitality and false teachers as 2 John does. This letter was written to Gaius, a very faithful Christian. This is the only book in the Bible that is address to one specific person. John prayed that Gaius' health would be as strong as his spiritual health. Doesn't this tell you something about this faithful Christian? John was very enthusiastic about the positive reports he received regarding Gaius. I hope that as we have discussed qualities of Gaius today, that you will be encouraged reflect on which qualities you need to develop in your own life.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Showing Love

Today we talk about how we can be loving and kind AND still refuse to accept false teachers. That is a hard thought! I don't know about you, but when one is trying to get me to accept a false belief, I am tempted to get pretty huffy quick! Yes, it is good to stand up for God's truth and turn from any false belief. However, it is so important that as we refuse to accept a false way, that we do show love. Here's a few thoughts we share today:
  1. Remember Ephesians 4:32 - be kind to others.
  2. Use Scripture to defend your belief. Don't just say, "I think," but rather say, "God says."
  3. Look at them as Christ unbeliever who needs the Savior. You may be the first person they have met who is a Christian.
  4. Don't take it personal. They will answer to God someday for their rejection of the Truth!

Let us know your experience(s) with dealing those who believed falsely. What did you say? Was it hard to show love and kindess? How can we better prepare ourselves for future interaction with people such as these?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Believing a lie?

Today we ask why believers so often tempted to take false teaching lightly? Do we think we would never stray from our faith? Do we not realize the seriousness of their unbiblical belief? Do we think it's OK for them to believe what they want to keep the relationship peaceful? Are we afraid of speaking up for our faith? These are serious questions that you ought take the time to answer in your own life. We share our thoughts today regarding this....what do you think?

Monday, January 17, 2011

False Teachers

As we move into verses 7-13 of 2 John, we encounter those pesky false teachers again! What did they deny? They denied the deity of Jesus Christ. John spent a lot of time in his 1st letter to warn the believers of these false teachers. Here in 2 John, he is warning them again! John encouraged the believers to watch out for them so as to guard the faith. The reader of this letter was warned to not even let these false teachers into his or her house! In doing this, they would be vulnerable to the false teacher's lies. Christians often invited strangers into their home because they were following the command to show hospitality and love to others. Yet, in this case, John said to not allow the false teachers in their home. We hope this discussion of these verses help you to understand this context of Scripture. In two days, we'll get into the more practical application of the truth John wrote about.