Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God's Sovereignty

In Ecclessiastes 9:11-12 we see even more explanation from Solomon about God's sovereignty. While it is generally true that the fastest runners win the race, that the strongest win the battle and that smartest people become rich, it does not always occur. The healthiest person may die suddenly in an accident. What Solomon is trying to share with his readers is that God is in control of our life on earth. No man can plan when he is born, neither can man plan his departure. As women applying this truth to our life, we must hold confidently to God's sovereign plan, not only for our own life, but also for the lives of our family and friends. Our life is in God's hands. This can give us a great amount of comfort and encouragement as we trust in His plan. A woman I know of has a young daughter who almost didn't survive after her birth. Their family went through a difficult time as the Lord worked in their daughter and eventually healed her. Just a few years later, this same family discovered that the husband had cancer and passed away within the year. This woman has been a testimony of God's grace and strength and has acknowledged God's plan for HER life in the midst of these difficult and trying years. She has shown joy and acknowledged her sorrow; but shows the hope she has in God despite her difficult days. What peace we can have through hard times as we trust wholeheartedly in God's sovereign plan in our lives!

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