Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hope from Ruth

It is evident that Ruth had faith and confidence in the God of Israel. She would not have been so willing to leave her family, culture, false gods and everything else she had known for all of her life. It is also interesting to note that all Ruth would have learned about God through Naomi and her family for the previous 10 years. She did not have Scripture as we do today! How does her commitment to God offer hope and encouragement to you? We share our thoughts today on the program and would love to hear from you. Please share!


Anonymous said...

Like Karen mentioned, how do you narrow it down to just one?
My husband and I have reflected on how God started out to bring us to where we are today,,,we are in awe of how He has worked providentially. Just so many ways that God has taught us, brought us out of darkness and guided us toward one another for the work He has to do through us [if we are open to Him] at this season of our lives.....we stand in awe and much gratitude to Him for the blessings of His guidance and for the love He has given us for one another----only by His grace and providence. With all that said;
We had both been through difficult marriages that started off at a time when we didn’t seek to follow Him [unbelievers]. Ultimately found ourselves [both in the same year] on our knees for our sins and in grief over the loss of those vows that we ultimately took very seriously but regretfully, both marriages ended. God gave us each a ten year period of growth in Him and to seek His ways, teach us from the past and how to grow forward in Him. We spent our time devoted to learning the Word and praying for our wayward spouses and caring for our children.
During that time we were both suggested by other 'single-again Christians' to seek out different online dating services. Yet both of us chose not to go that route but prayed and trusted that if it would be His will for each of us to marry again, He would provide.
Like Ruth---neither one of us knew what God had planned, but that we would go forward and if we should remain single for the rest of our lives we would accept that as His will.
As it turns out, we found a friendship while working alongside each other being involved in our church for years. It seemed that God opened our eyes to each other and we were married just 2 years ago last month. Praise God! He has chosen to bless us with another chance to be married and to show each other the love of Christ [as He wrote in His Word] and to raise our children together in Christ. God is good!

Sarah said...

Thank you, Anonymous, for sharing your testimony here. It is a blessing to hear how God is working in other believer's lives. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary as well! Praying that you'll continue to honor God personally and together in your marriage!