Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ruth's commitment

In chapter 1:17, Ruth tells of her commitment to Naomi. The Bible says in verse 14 that Ruth clung to her. This word "clung" is used in the same way as in Genesis 2:24 when God commands to man to "cleave" to his wife. Ruth's mind was made up. She was going home with Naomi and once Naomi saw her determination she said no more. How did Ruth reveal her commitment to Naomi?
  • Where you go, I will go. She commits to leaving her home.
  • Where you lodge, I will lodge. She commits to settling in a foreign land.
  • Your people shall be my people. She commits to embracing a new culture.
  • Your God shall be my God. She commits to denying her false gods and chooses faith in the one true God.
  • Where you die, I will die and there be buried. She gives up her right to be buried with her family in her home country.
  • May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you. A seal of her comittment to Naomi.


Susan said...

I thank the Lord for the ability/focus to listen to this discussion today, as He has used it to convict me in area of sin. I'm thankful that you are committed to doing the program. Hearing other women striving to be closely in the Word and desiring to walk closely with the Lord continues to be an inspiration and blessing.

Sarah said...

Praise the Lord for His working in your life through the truth of His Word! May the Lord bless you as you strive to please Him in all areas of your life.