Monday, July 25, 2011

Suffering of the Righteous

Ecclesiastes 8:12-14, reveal to us that the wicked will do evil and seem to prevail and the righteous will do good and suffer. What truth is an encouragement to the righteous during this time? Verse 12 says that "it will be well with those who fear God." Verse 13 says "it will not be well with the wicked...because he does not fear before God." Although on this earth, it may seem that the wicked prevail, the believer can have confidence that in the end, the wicked will be judged. Psalm 37 is a wonderful piece of Scripture that reminds the righteous to trust and commit their way to God despite the wicked's apparent success. What about you? Do you despair over the seeming success of those who do not fear God? Are you content to suffer and have "just enough" while serving God here on earth. Scripture promises that it will be well for those who fear God. Remember Romans 8:28-29? All things will work for our good. Even suffering is a good thing as it is a way that God uses to conform us more to Christ.

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