Monday, April 4, 2011

Determining God's Will

As we continue on in Ruth chapter 4, we find that Boaz is now at the town gate, seeking to make his redeeming of Naomi's land (and Ruth) a completed transaction. However, he realizes that there is another kinsman that has the legal right to redeem it. Because Boaz was a honorable man, he chose to do what was right and allow the opportunity for this other kinsman to redeem the land and even possibly to lose Ruth in the process. After some discussion, the closer kinsman decides to give his rights of redemption to Boaz. Boaz legally transacts this agreement. As we consider some practical application to this section of Ruth, we ask, "How can Christians differentiate between God's will and simply fleshly desires in the midst of making decisions?" As we consider how much Boaz in his flesh desired to marry Ruth and be the redeemer for Naomi's family, we can understand how difficult it might have been to do things the right way in the sight of God. But Boaz was a godly man who chose to do right, even if it meant that he would not benefit from that decision. God honored him in this situation and allowed Boaz to have the desire of his heart. As we make decisions on a daily basis, we must remember that we are to submit to God's will and not just our own desires. We have to remember that our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9) and that we must trust God to know what is best for us. Ephesians 4:17-24 is a wonderful passage to look up and mediate as we consider God's will. We pray that this session has been helpful and encouraging to you as you seek to reflect Christ in your daily walk.

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