Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Outpouring of Praise

If you haven't read through Luke 1:46-55 yet, may we encourage you to take the time to reflect and mediate on these wonderful verses? In these verses we find that Mary is praising God from a humble heart. The context here is that she has just arrived at Elizabeth's home after her visit from the angel Gabriel. She goes with "haste" to Elizabeth and upon greeting Elizabeth, Mary is blessed by Elizabeth for her faithful obedience and trust in God's word. Mary's heart praises the Lord for His work in her life. Mary reflects on what God did for her personally, what God does for His children and what God does for Israel. After all these magnificent events, she chooses to turn back and praise God for who He is and what He is doing in her life. What a marvelous example of humility. How are you praising God? Do you praise Him from a humble heart? Do you give Him thanks for all that He brings to your life? When was the last time you took "inventory" of the many blessings He has given you? Don't delay, praise God today for who He is and what He has done for you!

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