Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Cost of Obedience

As we discuss more about the life of Mary, Christ's mother, we see that there was a cost to her obedience to God. When she returned home from visiting Elizabeth, we know there was much scorn given to her because she was pregnant. Even Joseph was going to divorce her (Matthew 1:19). In future chapters, we find that Mary traveled while very pregnant a long journey to Bethlehem to be obedient and follow Joseph. She delivered Christ among animals. She gave up her own dreams of her future life with Joseph and humbly submitted to God's plan for her. To many, the cost of obedience to God's will is not appealing. Sometimes obeying God's will means up giving up your dreams and goals for your life. Sometimes the cost of obedience means that you will receive ridicule from friends or family for doing what is right. As we reflect on Mary's obedience to God, let it encourage us to be obedient to God, no matter the cost!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'd like to comment on 11-29-11 study. Towards the end and prior to the application question, Rebecca mentioned about not allowing our emotions of any kind to overtake us. I trust this is true and have made steps to apply this to my life. The one place where I have the most difficulty is when doing a solo with an instrument and singing. That has been one area I find many others [including those I see as strong believers] struggle with as well.

Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us:) In our conversation on 11-29, I don't believe we considered your example of worship in church. Certainly it is appropriate and I believe glorifying to God when our hearts are tender as we reflect on the words and music sung/performed to glorify His name. I don't believe any of us would believe that showing emotion in this way is WRONG; however, as best as possible, we ought to be careful even in this setting to not let our emotions distract others from their worship. As we consider the cost of Christ's sacrifice, the love that God has for us and the conviction and challenges of the Holy Spirit; we often are emotionally pricked. The key is to be sure our emotions are honoring to God. And if that means tearing up while you sing or perform a song, then let that be glorifying to God!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I meant to say my nerves taking over while doing a solo and playing an instrument during worship.

Sarah said...

Oh, I see now:) Well, truly the nerves are normal and I believe can be a good thing as it reminds us to trust the Lord to work through us as we glorify Him.