Thursday, October 27, 2011


In Luke 1:5-25, Luke records for us the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s miraculous birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah and Elizabeth have already lived full lives and we meet them for the first time “advanced” in years (vs. 7). Zechariah was a priest in the days of Herod; Elizabeth was a daughter of a priest. This couple spent their life obedient and blameless in the eyes of the Lord (vs. 6). But, Elizabeth was barren. God had not given them the blessing of their own children. Verse 13 gives indication that Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed for children, but we know they were content to live the life that God gave them. As we encounter Elizabeth for the first time, we are struck with the faithful obedience to God. She was righteous and blameless before God and kept all the commandments and statues of the Lord. What an amazing testimony! We pray that as you study Elizabeth’s life that you will be challenged to be more faithful, more trusting and more content to live the live that our sovereign Lord has given you to live.

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