Thursday, October 28, 2010

1 John - a Review

We are going to take the next couple of days to review what we have studied so far in 1 John. We have been studying intensely the last several weeks and so we thought it would be helpful to take a step back and look at the book of 1 John again as a whole. If you are following our online outline, we start today with question #1 of chapter 4, verses 15-21. What has been the emphasis in John's communications so far? Main ideas of chapters 1-4: Chapter 1) Jesus is a real man whom we have fellowship, 2) Those who claim to know Him must love the brothers, 3) God's children must not live in sin, 4) Learn to discern the spirit of truth and falsehood.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A short break in our study....

We'd like to take a short break in our 1 John study today to just talk about how we are currently studying God's Word. You know, studying God's Word is just so important. Getting to know God better helps us as we seek to glorify Him. Our program seeks to study God's Word and then apply it to women in various seasons of life. Whether you are a teenage girl still learning about all the truths God wants you to know or are a mature older woman, there is much to share! We hope that today is an encouragement to you as you hear how we study. Will you share with us and others what you are doing to study God's Word?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Personal application

How can you personally apply 1 John 4:13-14 to your life? We will be sharing our testimony concerning these verses in the next two days and would love to hear from you! We start off by talking about the work of the Holy Spirit. Check our online notes for the specific things we mention.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


We've been talking the last several days about how John testified the fact that God the Father sent God the Son to be the Savior of the world. As believer's we are also to testify of this fact. The question we are asking today is, "How can we as believers testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world"? We shared our thoughts on this matter....please share how you testify.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


"What is your home communicating? What message does it send out about what God is like? Does it manifest His love, His grace, His beauty, and His order? Does it point people to the gospel? Does it help them see their need for a Savior and make them thirsty for Christ?...we can make homes out of wherever God has placed us, that minister grace and the gospel and the likeness of Christ to those around us...That climate is affected by our attitudes, by the activities that take place in our homes and by the general atmosphere of our homes. A climate conducive to nurturing life would be a climate of order, peace, grace, unconditional love, kindness, truth, a home where we experience the reality and the presence of Christ. Where we talk about Christ. Where we talk about His Word...What stifles life? What kills life in our homes? It’s a climate of:

  • criticism
  • perfectionism
  • anger
  • selfishness
  • pride
  • contention,
  • performance-based love

If that kind of climate is in your home, ask yourself, how am I contributing to that environment? Am I doing something to make the climate of our home that way with my behavior, my spirit, my actions, or my reactions?"

I read this in one of Nancy Leigh DeMoss' radio programs, and I thought it was such a great reminder. No matter where we are in life, what season or the size of our home, we are called to be hospitable to others, not only sharing food but also sharing Christ!

I Peter 4:9-10

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. (ESV)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Getting practical - The difficulty to love

What makes it difficult for you to love others? The next 2 days we will seek to answer this question very practically. Do you struggle to love others because of pride? Selfishness? Do you see the response of "I need ME time" as selfish? God calls us to love others and that takes sacrifice; it takes giving up something we want for the good of another. What excuses do you give to NOT show love? Evaluate those excuses and determine if you have a biblical reason for withholding love. If you do not, take time to repent and ask God to help you practice love in a biblical way. We know this is hard work, yet it honors our Savior and is so worth it!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"One anothers" in the Bible

Today we talk about question #7 on our outline - "What is the result of loving one another?" Today and tomorrow we'll talk about other "one another's" in Scripture. See the online notes for the verses. Then on Monday, October 11th, we'll answer question #7 in more detail. What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What loving others looks like, part 4

Our final topic of discussion on loving others is loving others who are in your sphere of influence. This might be your co-worker, neighbor, friend who lives in another state, or extended family members. How do you show them love?

Monday, October 4, 2010

What loving others looks like, part 3

Third in our categories of loving others is our church family. What does it look like to love others in your church? How have you loved others and what have others in your church done to show you love?