Monday, November 28, 2011


In Luke 1 we encounter Mary for the first time in verse 27. We learn much about Mary from studying Luke and other parts of Scripture. We learn that she is engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, and that they were both poor. It is likely that Mary was a teenager when the angel Gabriel visited her, since Jewish girls married young. We find that she has been given grace to carry out the responsibility of bearing and raising Jesus Christ. The angel's greeting to her literally means, "Grace, you who are highly graced!" Although she was a godly woman, it was God's grace that made her God's choice. Some religions in our society elevate Mary as a woman who is worshipped, yet we can see in Scripture that God in His plan chose Mary to carry out her plan. She was an ordinary young girl who was seeking to follow God's plan for her life. May that be said even of us today. Are you carrying out your role as a woman? As a wife? As a daughter? As a mother? As a grandmother? As a Titus 2 woman? Mary was willing to be used by God in whatever way He desired. Her response in Luke 1:38 shows us a picture of her servant's heart. Read this portion of Scripture and pray that God would give you a humble, servant's heart so that you may be used of Him.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Encouraging One Another "No one listens to me anyway," says the elderly woman to you. She goes on to say how she doesn't feel comfortable coming to Bible study because the younger ladies don't carry on a conversation with her on Sunday at church. "I want to encourage and share with them, but I just can't. What should I do?" What would you say to this older woman? What would you say to the younger ladies to encourage them to get to know older women?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Being Used by God, No Matter Your Age

Elizabeth was used by God even in her old age. She lived a life full of obedience and reverence for the Lord and his statutes (see Luke 1:6) and was blameless! We encounter Elizabeth for the first time when she is older, past child-bearing years. We find out how marvelously God used her for His plan in the birth of John the Baptist. During this time of pregnancy we meet Mary. Mary too had a very special part of God's plan, even though she was young (we will talk more about Mary in the future). Mary visited Elizabeth and in their time together we find much joy, mentoring, rejoicing in God's goodness and fellowship between these women. And as reflect on these women, we find that just as God used these women, so He can use us today. His plan for us is very different from His plan for Elizabeth and Mary, but even still, He can use us marvelously for His glory. Do you see your age as a limitation for how God can use you? Let us challenge you to strive to obediently serve God, no matter your age. God can and will use you to accomplish His will, no matter your age.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Accepting God's Plan "But this wasn't my plan!" you tell your husband after he explains to you that his job is transferring him out of state. You hesitate trusting that this is God's will. You think to yourself how much you enjoy your church and are excited to finally connect with one of the young women to have a Bible study with her. You want to say "no" to your husband and even consider asking him to look for another job so you can stay put. If you were to "counsel" yourself, what should you say to help you think rightly? What biblical truths woud help steer you in the right direction?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A New Team Member

In the next few days we are going to spend some time introducing you to Gloria Sperry, our new team member with Women In the Word. We are thankful for each lady that God brings our way to help us in our goal of encouraging women in God's Word. Gloria is the sister of Pam Ormiston and we are delighted to get to know her more by talking with her about how God brought her to know Him, and how she is currently being used by God to glorify Him! We hope you enjoy getting to know her too and we look forward to the times when she'll be able to join us on the broadcasts of Women In the Word.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Infertility From the Journal of Biblical Counseling, "The Bible and and the Pain of Infertility" by Kimberly Monroe and Philip Monroe "Dealing with infertility is hard. Your God given desire to have children is thwarted. As you grow up, people say to you, 'When you get married and have your kids...' Everyone assumes fertility. In one study, 63% of women who experience both infertility and divorce rated their infertility as more painful than their divorce...On in six struggles with infertility. In your church, in your workplace, in your circle of friends, couples struggle with infertility. These couples need your support and care." How can we support and encourage women who are currently not able to have children?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Common Joy

In Luke 1 we read of both Elizabeth and Mary. It doesn't take long to notice the common experiences they shared. We also see the joy they share in their precious blessings! How wonderful to reflect together that God was using them as part of His wonderful plan to provide the Savior to the world. We believe there was much mentorship by Elizabeth to Mary during the approximate three months they were together. We will spend some time talking more about this in our future broadcasts. For now, we can see how these women rejoiced together because of the goodness of God. When was the last time that you rejoiced with another woman because of what God has done for you? Let me challenge you today to not only rejoice in your heart for how God is working in your life, but call someone else up and share your joy with her. You might find that she'll also share how God is working in her and then you'll have the opportunity to rejoice together!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Elizabeth's Role

Elizabeth’s role in the plan of God was spectacular! God’s plan for her unfolded just as He wanted. She would be barren in order to make John’s birth only of God. There was no need to convince anyone that it was God who chose Elizabeth to give birth to John. Elizabeth was used by God in that she was the mother of John. Her role in this relationship was to raise John to be a faithful and God-serving man. Her life of faithfulness and obedience would have been passed down to him. She was to lead by example to her son. As the older cousin of Mary, we see that Elizabeth’s role was to be an example and encouragement to Mary who was just a young teenage girl herself. Elizabeth had spent a life serving God and doing His will, so she could have easily shared the blessings of obedience. She had been married a long time to Zechariah and could have easily shared how to honor God in Mary’s future marriage to Joseph. Elizabeth also had faced reproach from her community for being barren and would have been able to encourage Mary regarding the reproach she would soon face as the people would not have understood God’s plan. How is God using you in His plan? Do you see your role as mother, daughter, grandmother, older woman as a way to encourage other women? In what ways are you seeking to honor God in His will for your life?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Real Life ~ Real Answers

As the Lord allows, we desire to take each Friday and share with you a new segment called “Real Life ~ Real Answers.” Our desire is to give answers from God’s Word about real life situations women face. We hope this time will be an encouragement and challenge to you as you live your life to honor and serve our Savior. Today we give this scenario: Your teenage daughter professes faith in Christ, yet her attitude towards school is rotten. Her grades are dropping and it seems like she focuses her attention on her friends and having fun. How might you encourage her to be a good testimony of God and His truth? You know, no one knows the heart. And while we can see the “fruit” of our daughter’s life, we still cannot say for certain what is going on with her heart. The challenge in this scenario is that we have to realize that we cannot sit her down and “change” her. God must do the changing and we must pray that if she truly is saved that God will get a hold of her heart to change her. How are you doing at showing love to her? Are you using 1 Corinthians 13 as your guide to show love? Are you patient in your responses and kind in your instruction? Are you yourself being an example of living a life of honor to God? (Ephesians 4:1). Are you listening to your daughter when she speaks to you (Proverbs 18:13)? Are you seeking to find out if she is struggling to understand her Math class? Have you taken time out to get to know your daughter, her interests, and her friends? There is no magic formula, there is no 3 step program to have the perfect daughter; but there is God’s Word! We hope that these thoughts will encourage you in your life situation. If you have a problem or concern that you’d like to hear us address on the program, please let us know. You can leave a reply here, on our facebook page, or write the station at: WCTS Radio, Attn: Women in the Word, 900 Forestview Lane N, Plymouth, MN 55441. Scenarios for future Real Life ~ Real Answers segments are located under the "study notes" section on the right of our blog.