Friday, March 25, 2011

Ruth's reputation

As we continue to talk about Ruth, we see that her reputation is widely known throughout the town. Her kindness and good deeds towards her mother in law was known by everyone. Her hard work was evident to Boaz and other workers in the field. Her obedience to Naomi regarding her relationship to Boaz is a reflection of her character. Ruth was a noble woman. What does "noble" mean? As we discuss this principle today, we hope that you are evaluating your own life. Are you striving after a noble reputation that is honoring to God and a reflection of Christ to others?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Biblical Advice About Marriage

In Ruth chapter 3, we see that Naomi gives instruction to Ruth about what to do in her relationship with Boaz. Ruth obediently listens and does what Naomi asks of her. This scenario in Scripture causes us to ask how as women today we can give wise, biblical advice to a young woman who wants to be sure that she is marrying the right person? Listen in as we discuss this question today. We would love to hear from you too! What biblical principles have you shared with your daughter or other young women regarding marriage?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ruth's obedience

In Ruth 3:1-5, we find that Naomi is now giving Ruth instructions concerning her relationship with Boaz. Ruth responds with a heart of obedience to her mother-in-law. She humbly submitted to Naomi to do what she asked her to. This obedience reveals much about Ruth's character. She not only trusted God to lead her, but she trusted Naomi to give her instruction about her own future! Wow! How many of us today would be so quick to be obedience to our parents or in-laws when given instruction. Sometimes we are so quick to think that we have it all together and that we are old enough to make our own decisions. We must remember that God places people in our lives to help reveal His will for us. It is wise for a daughter to ask her mother for advice in wedding plans or parenting struggles. While decisions are ultimately up to us and we are responsible to the Lord for our decisions, let us also remember that when we pray and seek the council of others who are older in their walk with the Lord that we can gain insights that we hadn't thought of. Perhaps the Lord will use a parent, grandparent or older woman in your church to help you think more biblically about a situation. We pray that this study of Ruth will encourage you as you seek to grow more godly in your character.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Character qualities of a godly woman

We've been talking a lot about character qualities that should be found in women who are striving to serve the Lord. In Ruth chapter 2, we learn more about these qualities. Judging from the events of this story what character traits does God honor in His people? These are what we found as we studied:
  • Confidence
  • Diligence
  • Faithfulness
  • Good stewardship
  • Contentment
  • Compassion
  • Loyalty
  • Patience

Think through this list in your own life. In what areas do you find yourself needing to grow? What areas are your strength that you can teach others?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ruth - Her sacrifice and kindness

In 2:8-23, we find that Ruth is now having a conversation with Boaz, the owner of the field where she is gleaning. Here we can see again how much God is providentially caring for her (see post entry 3/8/11). Ruth had sacrificed to stay with Naomi. She left her family, her country and all that was familiar and comfortable to her. Ruth then chose to sacrifice for the good of her mother-in-law. She went to work in the fields to provide food for her and much more. The passage reveals that Ruth did much more to show kindness to Naomi and was full of good works (see verse 11). There is much we can learn from Ruth of her sacrifice and kindness. Is your life a testimony of God's love? Are you showing kindness and sacrifice to those who are closest to you?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ruth- God's Providential Care

In 2:1-7 we find that Ruth asks for permission from Naomi to glean in the fields. Gleaning was a provision of God for the poor according to the Old Testament law. As readers of this story we can see that God providentially had Ruth "happen" to go to Boaz's field. This is not chance, rather the perfect plan of God! God saw fit to not only make a way for Naomi and Ruth to receive food by gleaning, but He also planned the exact field for Ruth to go to. This field belonged to Boaz, a relative of the family and as we know would become the kinsman redeemer. How marvelous! As we reflect on God's perfect plan in Ruth and Naomi's lives, we can be challenged that God has a perfect plan for us. Nothing happens by chance; rather, all things happen according to His will. God is not surprised when a family crisis comes your way, nor is he surprised when you find yourself pregnant when you weren't planning on it! God sovereignly is in control of the people you meet, the job you have, the church you attend. He knows the path of your life regarding health, finances, and your home. He has it planned! Not only does He have it planned, but He also has made a way to provide for all that you need. How wonderful the peace that comes when we truly accept His plan and give up our wishes and our desires and strive to please Him in every area of life. How about you? Do you understand that God is in control of your life? Or, do you somehow think that you are in control? Do you go to God in prayer when you have a decision to make? We pray that you will grab hold of this truth and let it sink into your heart and find perfect peace.
The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand. (Psalm 37:23-24 ESV)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ruth - Chapter 2:1-7

Haven't you been encouraged by our study so far? No matter how many times I read this book, I still learn to apply truths every time. So never tire of reading familiar stories....rather ask God to help you understand how to apply the truth to your life. Today we begin studying in Ruth chapter 2. We will spend some time asking some basic questions about the story and then will get into discussion application. In chapter 2, we are introduced now to a man by the name of Boaz. We learn much about his character and the kind of man that he was: a Godly man who had integrity and self-control. He was kind and generous. Wow! Seeking to be obedient in just these characteristics is a life-time of work! Yet we know that becoming the woman God wants you to be is possible through God's grace....never give up trying even if you fail. In our study of Ruth, we find that Naomi and Ruth were poor, widowed and destitute. These women were vulnerable and yet God led them back to Bethlehem where they would be able find food, housing and where Ruth would eventually meet her future husband who would generously give to her needs. Wow! I don't know about you, but this gives me more confidence as I seek to be faithful to my Savior.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Godly Relationships

The relationship that Naomi and Ruth had was God-ordained, God-honoring, and an example to us as women. God sovereignly brought them together and allowed them to give glory to Him through their example. As we have learned, Naomi must have had some incredible character qualities for Ruth to have been so adamant about following her to her hometown. How does their relationship inspire you to relate to loved ones in your own life?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God's Loving Concern

Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem during the barley harvest. This was the first harvest of the year, but Scripture tells us that God was blessing! We can see several ways that God showed his loving concern for Naomi, even though she claimed that His hand was against her (1:13). Here's what we came up with:
  1. God allowed Ruth to return along with Naomi. This made the trip home not so lonely!
  2. They returned at a time when they could store up food for themselves.
  3. Naomi had the ability to return home, even at her older age.
  4. Ruth was younger and was able to work to help Naomi.

Even when situations don't look that wonderful, if we look close enough, we can see where God still shows His love and concern for us. Maybe it's in an unexpected financial gift, or a neighbor stops by to help with a project. Maybe it's just the peace that God gives us as we stay faithful to Him in a difficult trial. In any case, God loves us and is always watching over us to give us exactly what we need.