Friday, January 27, 2012

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Motives of the Heart

The wife thinks, “I would love to buy that new dress. It would look so nice and I haven’t had a new one in such a long time. I know it is pretty expensive and we probably don’t have the money to pay for it right now, but….I bet I could talk my husband into it with a little sweet talking!” So she proceeds to hatch her plan of wooing her husband….flirting, making his favorite meals, going the extra mile for him, even buying him little gifts. Then she pops the question about the dress….

What is sinful about this wife’s thinking and what should she “put on” instead?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Sinful Woman

In Luke 7:36, Luke records the scenario of a sinful woman who came to visit Christ while He was visiting in a Pharisee's home. The Pharisee labels the woman as a sinner and thought it obsurd that Christ would allow her to touch his feet. Labels----do they matter? Is it right to label others?  We often quickly recognize sin in other's lives, but do we do what is necessary to show them Christ and His love and forgiveness? Or do we condemn them while ignoring their need for salvation?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Obedience to the Law

You’re on a family vacation visiting a historical place. You park, and as you lock your car, a couple walks up to you and hands you their wrist bands from their visit. “We are leaving,” they say, “take our wrist bands and use them to get in. They’ll never know anyway.” Not sure what to say, your husband takes them and says “thank you.” As you walk towards the visitor’s center you read on the wrist band “not transferrable between individuals.” Your husband asks you, “What do you think we should do?”

So…what response would bring God glory? Why?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Gift of Life

As the mother in Luke 7:11-17 witnesses this wonderful miracle by Christ, she no doubt would have had a surge of emotions. As mothers, we rejoice and grieve over many things in our children’s life. Certainly the death of her only son would have caused her much sorrow. Think of the extreme emotion she felt from her sorrow to joy!  As you picture in your mind what it might have been like for this mother to receive her son back to life from Christ, also picture the eternal life you have been given through Christ’s death.  What a gift!

Monday, January 16, 2012

From Sadness to Joy

In Luke 7:11-17 we read of an encounter Jesus has with another woman who was mourning over the death of her only son. She was a widow as well. Scripture says that our Lord had compassion on her and raised this son back to life. We study today about the place of the widow in this society and her means of support.  Why would Christ show compassion on her?  Why this particular widow when there were others around? We will spend some time studying this event and would love to hear what you are learning as you study along with us!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Real Life ~ Real Answers

The Heart Revealed

A husband is working on the bills and goes to his wife saying that they will need to cut some expenses to get some extra bills paid off. He gives several ways to decrease what is spent each month so that there will be money to pay off loans and medical bills over this next year. The wife’s immediate response is to say, “that’s just not possible!” and she explains why she can’t do what he is asking her to do. He reminds his wife that he has been led by God to make this change in finances and he is making these tough decisions for the good of the family and obedience to God.

What does the wife’s response to her husband reveal about her heart?
What does it reveal about her attitude of submission and trust in God?

What would a godly response look like?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Healing of Simon’s Mother-in-Law

As we look at this event in Luke 4: 38-39, we find that Christ is in Simon’s home. It also happens to be that Simon’s mother-in-law has a fever. The family appeals to Christ for this woman and Christ healed her of her illness. The response of Simon’s mother-in-law is intriguing. Scripture says “and immediately she rose and began to serve them.” Wow! What can we learn from her response to this God-ordained situation?  We can certainly see the emphasis that God’s grace is to be followed by gratitude and service.  Her thankfulness to the Lord was shown in her response of service to Him AND to the others.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Personal Suffering for God's Glory

As we have been studying through the widow of Zaraphath and Naaman's servant girl, how can you see that the sufferings in these stories have glorified God? In what ways does our personal suffering today give glory to God?  So often we don't like suffering. It is inconvenient. It is costly. It is never planned. It is sorrowful. But as we think of the wonderful truth present in Romans 8:28-29, we see that suffering IS good and it is for God's glory. The minute we think, "I don't deserve this," we are really thinking that "I know what's best for me" instead of resting in the fact that God knows what is best for me.  Pray that God would help you thank Him for ALL He does in your life.

The Organized Heart by Staci Eastin

Product Details

  1. Kindle Ebook
  1. Publisher: Cruciform Press
  1. Date of reading: January 10, 2012

Point: Eastin says, “My hope for this book is that it will help you serve God and your family more effectively, more fruitfully, and with greater peace and joy.”

Path: The author delves into the reasons behind the disorganized lives we sometimes live. Showing how the sinfulness of our heart often is the reason that we are not organized, she covers four main idols of the heart: perfectionism, busyness, possessions, and leisure.

Sources: She refers to several other books such as Lou Priolo’s Pleasing People, Carol Cornish and Elyse Fitzpatrick’s Women Helping Women, and Jeremiah Buroughs’ Contentment.

Agreement: This was a wonderful look at organization. Eastin brings out many reasons why we do not live organized lives, and also many reasons that the “organized” lives that we live may not be pleasing to God. Are we fearing what man may think of us if we are not organized and seemingly put-together, or are we striving to honor God?

Personal App: This was a great and refreshing way to view organization. In a culture where organization is sort of the “in” thing to do, it was a blessing to be able to look at why it is important to be organized. It makes me double-check my life and see if I am trying to be organized for the right reasons!

One of my favorite quotes was this: “God is not glorified in the amount of things we get done, the number of spaces we fill on our calendars, or the length of our to-do lists. God is pleased when we serve him with sincere hearts.”

Stars: 4.5 out of 5

It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

God's Grace

In Luke 4:34-27 we find that Christ has traveled to his hometown and is now in the synagogue. It was customary in synagogues to ask visiting rabbis to read the Scripture lesson and make comments regarding the passage. At this point, Jesus had been ministering for about a year.  He was handed the book of Isaiah and read from chapter 61.  He proclaims that Scripture has been fulfilled in Luke 4:21.  However, they failed to recognized that Jesus was the Messiah. It is at this point that Jesus uses two examples in the Old Testament to show God's grace on the Gentiles. These two examples are the Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17) and Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-15). These examples were given to show that God would show grace to the Gentile people.  All in the synagogue were angered at Christ's words. They even sought to kill Him!

How do you view God's grace as it relates to terrorists, homosexuals, sex offenders, murderers and the like? How do you react when someone visits your church and is homeless, rough looking or just doesn't fit in? Do you see them as individuals who need God's grace and compassion or do you stay as far away from them as possible? Do you pray for those who need this grace in your family and town? Sometimes our attitudes are not much different than those in the synagogue that day that Christ spoke. We really do not think that the wicked deserve such grace...well, neither did we. Ephesians 2:8-9

Friday, January 6, 2012

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Response to Blessings

Your mother calls you to give you an update on her health from her recent doctor visit. You have been anxiously waiting for the news from recent tests your mother had and have fought worrying over the outcome by choosing to trust and accept God's plan for her life. Your mother explains that her symptoms have gone away and all the test results have come back normal! You are speechless. Just 2 months ago, the doctor couldn't figure out why your mother was so ill and now she has a clean bill of health!

What might you say and do with your mother to praise God for this blessing?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Manipulating Woman, cont...

As we finish studying the ungodly example of Herodias in the book of Luke, we want to take this time to ask how we as women handle the temptation to manipulate situations?  As sinners we all are tempted to get our way by begging, nagging, whining, crying or fighting. James 4:1-3 tells us that fights and quarrels come when we do not get our way. So really we try to "manipulate" the situation when we respond by complaining.  As a woman, do you ever use sensuality to gain what you might desire. Do you wives use intimacy with your husband as a bargaining tool?

As you consider how to fight the temptation to manipulate a situation that does not go your way, consider that decisions made are the will of God. A godly woman will strive after God's will for her life. Take a look at these examples:
  • A teenage girl - can accept her parents decisions as she sees that God is using it for her "good." Romans 8:28-29
  • A woman in the workplace - can accept not receiving a job promotion as a revelation of God's will for her and continue to seek wisdom from God. James 1:5
  • A woman who desires to be married -  can have peace and trust in God for His plan for her life and will find her contentment and joy in Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • A wife who desires to have children - can know that God is in control. Example of Rachel in Genesis 30:1-22.
  • An older woman - can be at peace with her body as she ages know that her spiritual life is growing and she can share what she has learned with other women. Titus 2:3-5, 2 Corinthians 4:16

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Manipulating Woman

As we move on in our study women mentioned in the book of Luke, we find in Luke 3:19-20 that Herodias, the wife of Herod is mentioned. Luke doesn't expand on the situation surrounding Herodias and John the Baptist, but two other Gospels do: Matthew 14:1-12 and Mark 6:16-28. We invite you to take some time read through these two passages about Herodias.  Herodias wanted John the Baptist dead because she did not like the fact that John spoke against her marriage to Herod.  In the next couple of days we will talk about why Herod did eventually kill John and the part that Herodias and her daughter played in her death. We see from Herodias an example of how manipulation to get one's way costs this case, John the Baptist's life.