Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love Bears All Things

Bearing all things....what does this mean? The idea is that we seek to protect the sinner from ridicule or harm as a result of their sin. It doesn't mean that we condone the sin that another commits, rather it means that we don't expose or broadcast their sin to others. Since love bears all things, love does not gossip about others failures. 1 Peter 4:8 says “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” What about you? Do you gossip about others when they sin or do you seek to bear with them?


Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Hannah Scott. I am a missionary to the country of Thailand, and Pam Ormiston is my mom :). As I was listening to the broadcast I was challenged to show kindness by going out of my way for someone else. So thanks to you ladies, my sister got a ride home from the post office.

Although in all sincerity, thank you for the encouragement you are to me. Through the WIW God has challenged me many times over. Thank you!
Hannah Scott

Rebecca said...

Hi there! We really are glad yu take time to listen!