Friday, October 30, 2009

Raising Children, continued...

As we further explain Carolyn Mahaney's job description of a mother, we see that a mother is to provide an authentic example to her children. This means that when I sin against my child, then I must follow the biblical steps of repentance and confession. I must ask my child to forgive me for sinning against them. This teaches them that I am not perfect! An authentic example is not a "perfect" example, but rather an example that doesn't teach hypocrisy! In our biblical training of our children, we see that training and discipline must take place. Teach your children the Bible from a very young age and remind them of the truths of God's Word whenever you can (Deut. 6:6-7). Discipline is also involved in this training process. We shared some verses today regarding biblical discipline and want to encourage you to seek God's way in this. A resource that has been a benefit to us is Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Trip. You can find this from their website: . For discussion here: why is it hard to be an authentic example to your children? How can you do this better?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Raising Children

As we look to be specific in our study of 1 John 2:16, the study of raising our children is one that we have chosen. Because the eyes are a gateway into the mind, then what we read or observe from others in this area affect what we think, what we believe and what we do. There are many secular views of "how to" raise children, and we want to challenge you to search out what God's will is regarding this area. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, godparent, or have any influence over children at church - you can take these biblical principles and apply them to your situation. I appreciated what Carolyn Mahaney had to say regarding a biblical view of motherhood. What follows in our discussion over the next several days has been taken from her thoughts. You can find her complete message titled "A Mother's Responsibility" here. It is a free MP3 download and I encourage you to listen to it. Carolyn Mahaney gives this biblical "job description" of a mother. "As a mother, I am called by God to provide for my children an authentic example and biblical training with a tender love, so they might receive and accept the gospel." As we discuss this topic of raising children, we will break down the parts of her job description. First, a mother is called by God. It was God's idea in the first place. This gives encouragement to us as mothers (or grandmothers, godmothers, teachers, etc...) that what God has called us to do, He will equip us to fulfill! Children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3), and yet sometimes as parents we do not see them as blessings. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the demands of motherhood that we do not remember to see our children as blessings. But God's Word reminds us that our children are blessings! Take to heart the truth that God will give you strength to fulfill your calling as 2 Corinthians 12:9 so clearly shares - "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Desires of the Eyes

1 John 2:16 goes on to say that the "desires of the eyes" are also from the world. Again in this discussion, we want to give three specific examples as they pertain to women. They are 1) Raising Children, 2) Discontentment and 3) Physical Beauty. What does the "desires of the eyes" mean in this verse? The eyes are the gateway into the mind. What we see affects what we think. Some biblical examples are Achan who saw the spoil he wasn't allowed to take, but took it anyway (Josh. 7); David, who saw Bathsheba and took her for his own and committed sin in the process (2 Sam. 11) and Eve who saw the tree was good for fruit and listened to Satan rather than God and ate of the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6). It is good that we evaluate what we see by the lens of Scripture. If it doesn't match up to God's holy standard, then we must discard it and not fall prey to Satan's temptations.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Laziness is defined in Scripture as indolent (love of ease), slothful, sluggish, not easily aroused to activity and an unwillingness to work. If you think about it too, laziness and selfishness are closely connected. Often because I'm selfish, I'm too lazy to take care of my responsibilities. We shared many verses about laziness - what are some others? As you evaluate this in your own life, are there areas where you could be more diligent with the right motivation?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sexual Immorality, continued...

If you have sinned in this area, we want to offer you the hope that is found in Scripture. We studied in length 1 John 1:9 the promise of God's forgiveness. If you have sinned in this area and have not sought the Lord's forgiveness, do so! He promises to forgive! Recognize your sin, repent and confess and God will truly forgive. If you have been hurt by one who has committed this sin, Scripture gives us hope in Isaiah 41:10 - He will be with you, He will strengthen you, He will help you and uphold you! Be careful to take heed the warning in Hebrews 12:15 as well to not become bitter, but take the grace of God! Many have fallen into this sin and many have been hurt because of sexual immorality. Many need help to see the truth of God's Word. How can you encourage others in this area?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sexual Immorality, continued...

How can we stop wrong thinking so that it goes on no further? This is a tough question and yet through the hope we find in God's Word we can see that we can be in control of our thought life. Yes, even our thoughts regarding those of the opposite sex can be sinful and God says in Matthew 5:27-29 - even thinking immoral thoughts is just as sinful as actually practicing the sin. It is important we control our thoughts. Philippians 4:8 is a good reminder of the things we ought to be thinking on. A favorite verse we share often is 2 Corinthians 10:5 - to take EVERY thought captive. Yes, it's possible to do this, but it takes work. Are you willing to work hard to remain pure?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sexual Immorality

As we begin this discussion today, we want to remind you that sex was designed by God and is a beautiful thing in the context of marriage (Gen. 2:24). We do not have to sin in this area and yet many have perverted this gift that God has given. Once again, we are blessed to see that God's Word has much to say regarding even this and we need to pay attention to God's Word. All Christian women need to take heed to to the warnings and guidelines God gives. It is our prayer that through this study you will be challenged even more to live a pure life and to give you hope if you have sinned in this area.