Friday, October 30, 2009

Raising Children, continued...

As we further explain Carolyn Mahaney's job description of a mother, we see that a mother is to provide an authentic example to her children. This means that when I sin against my child, then I must follow the biblical steps of repentance and confession. I must ask my child to forgive me for sinning against them. This teaches them that I am not perfect! An authentic example is not a "perfect" example, but rather an example that doesn't teach hypocrisy! In our biblical training of our children, we see that training and discipline must take place. Teach your children the Bible from a very young age and remind them of the truths of God's Word whenever you can (Deut. 6:6-7). Discipline is also involved in this training process. We shared some verses today regarding biblical discipline and want to encourage you to seek God's way in this. A resource that has been a benefit to us is Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Trip. You can find this from their website: . For discussion here: why is it hard to be an authentic example to your children? How can you do this better?

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