Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Humility, part 2

Over the last 2 weeks the ladies have discussed the manifestations of humility. Here are the remaining manifestations. Are these present in your life? 3) Focusing on Christ, 4) Biblical praying, 5) Being overwhelmed with God's grace, 6) Being thankful towards others, 7) Being gentle and patient, 8) Seeing yourself as no better than others, 9) Having an accurate view of your gifts, 10) Being a good listener, 11) Talking about others if it is good, 12) Being submissive to those in authority, 13) Preferring others over yourself, 14) Being thankful for criticism or reproof, 15) Having a teachable spirit, 16) Seeking ways to build up others, 17) Serving, 18) Quickness to admit when you are wrong, 19) Quickness in granting and asking for forgiveness, 20) Repenting of sin as a way of life, 21) Minimizing other's sins or shortcomings in comparison to your own, 22) Being genuinely glad for others, 23) Being honest about your spiritual growth, 24) Possessing close relationships.

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