Friday, June 29, 2012

A Friend in Need

A friend of yours has had a very difficult year. Within that time frame, her family has encountered multiple sicknesses, her mother passed away from cancer, her husband lost his job which has made finances very tight and because of that they recently received notice that their house is about to go into foreclosure.

*How can you encourage this friend?

*What are some practical things you could also do to encourage her?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

When Suffering Seems Senseless

What do you do when it seems like suffering is senseless or your plans are different than what God is carrying out in His perfect plan? Today we discuss personal situations in our lives where we have gone through seemingly senseless suffering. Then we take a look at what the biblical response to suffering should be.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gloria's Red Bird Story

My Red Bird Story
Several years ago, when I was living in the country, in Iowa, I was driving down a country road in the middle of winter.  The sky was gray, the snow was gray from the dirt that had attached to it, the houses were even gray looking, though white, they captured the dirty look of the snow.  There was no color of any kind...not even an evergreen to give some color.
I cried out to the Lord!  “Lord, my heart is as gray as this scenery!  Where are You?  I’m beside myself with anguish, and don’t understand the turmoil going on my life, right now!”
Suddenly, I looked ahead on the road, and a bright red cardinal landed in front of me, and just sat there.  At the same time, the verse came to my mind:  “...I will never leave you nor forsake you”
Hebrews 13:5b
No trees around anywhere...and God chose to place a bright red bird to calm my anxious, gray heart.  I’ve never asked Him again...”where are You” because He’s never left my side, and I’ve never doubted that again!
Praise God for His infinite mercy, love and grace. 
Gloria J. Sperry
(Isaiah 26:3)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Using Your Skills to Bring Glory to God

What are you good at? What is your spiritual gift? How can God use these skills/talents and gifts to build the church and encourage others? Today on Women in the Word, we will be discussing these questions and giving ideas on how you can use your gifts to glorify God.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Are You a Woman Full of Good Works?

Would people describe you as Dorcas was described? If not, what are a few practical things that need to be changed in your life? Join us today as we look at our lives and discuss ways we can be more Christ-like as Dorcas was and then check our hearts for pure motives and authenticity.

Friday, June 22, 2012

An Encouraging Wife

You and your husband have been married for a few years. He is a godly man and you know he desires to do what is right. However, the last several months you have noticed that he struggles to do his daily devotions, he becomes angry very quickly, his passion for ministry is waning and you fear that he is struggling with sin.

*What can you do to encourage your husband to get excited about his walk with God again?

*How can you pray for him?

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Today we discuss Tabitha, a woman who was full of good works and acts of kindness. As a true disciple of Christ, she helped those in need out of a heart of love for him. Join us today as we look at the life of this amazing woman of God.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Personal Look at Baptism

Yesterday we discussed the scriptural details of baptism, but today we hear personal testimonies from Gloria and Pam of how they followed in obedience through baptism. Then, looking at the Ethiopian Eunuch we discuss what great opportunities we have to spread the gospel to the world around us.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Today on Women in the Word, we will be taking a look at baptism. We know that we are baptized because we are saved. We are not saved because we are baptized. So what does baptism really mean? Baptism is a sign that we have died to our sin and we have arose again in newness of life, like Christ. We are unashamed of our beliefs and are willing to take the step of baptism. Join us as we discuss these truths today.

Monday, June 18, 2012

He Who Amazed is Amazed

In Acts 8:9-13, we learn about Simon, the magician. He was considered a god, due to signs and wonders that he performed. However, when he sees true signs and wonders he is amazed. He hears, sees, believes, is baptized and follows after Peter. Although we do not know if he is truly saved, much of Samaria was and their city was changed forever.

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Witness At All Times

You are active in your community events and have formed many good friendships with unsaved people because of your involvement. You haven't been shy about being a Christian and have looked for opportunities to witness to others. One day, a lady whom you have worked with closely for some time, asks you exactly what you believe and wants to know more about your faith?

*What would you tell her?

*If she accepts Christ, what steps can you encourage her to take in order to grow spiritually?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rejoice In Your Salvation!

Today we search the scriptures to discuss verses that cause us to rejoice in our salvation. Then, we share examples of others around us that are living this out in their daily life. Do you have verses that you cling to in order to rejoice in your salvation? Please share them with us and join us today for this encouraging session. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Salvation Brings Joy

Today we begin looking at Acts 8:4-13. In this passage, we find Philip spreading the Gospel in Samaria, an area that was hostile for the Jews for the last 1,000 years. What boldness that must of taken! Through the Holy Spirit, Philip performs signs and miracles and the crowds are saved. The city is filled with joy due to their salvation. Is your life filled with joy because of your salvation? When was the last time, you truly rejoiced over your salvation? Join us today as we discuss this passage and these questions. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Living for Christ

Are you willing to die for Christ? Are you willing to live for Christ? If so, are there fruits showing that you are a believer living for Christ? Today, we discuss these tough questions and look at the lives of a few who gave their lives for Christ and then look into our own lives for evidences of Christ at work in us. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Are You Ashamed Of Christ?

In Acts 22, Paul gives a testimony of his great conversion. Paul begins by relating to the people and building common ground and respect. Then, he unashamedly shares how God greatly saved him as he traveled to Damascus to continue his persecution on the church. How convicting to see his boldness! Do you ever struggle with boldness or even feel ashamed of being part of Christ? If so, you are not alone. Today we discuss where we struggle in these areas, as well.