Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gloria's Red Bird Story

My Red Bird Story
Several years ago, when I was living in the country, in Iowa, I was driving down a country road in the middle of winter.  The sky was gray, the snow was gray from the dirt that had attached to it, the houses were even gray looking, though white, they captured the dirty look of the snow.  There was no color of any kind...not even an evergreen to give some color.
I cried out to the Lord!  “Lord, my heart is as gray as this scenery!  Where are You?  I’m beside myself with anguish, and don’t understand the turmoil going on my life, right now!”
Suddenly, I looked ahead on the road, and a bright red cardinal landed in front of me, and just sat there.  At the same time, the verse came to my mind:  “...I will never leave you nor forsake you”
Hebrews 13:5b
No trees around anywhere...and God chose to place a bright red bird to calm my anxious, gray heart.  I’ve never asked Him again...”where are You” because He’s never left my side, and I’ve never doubted that again!
Praise God for His infinite mercy, love and grace. 
Gloria J. Sperry
(Isaiah 26:3)

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