Friday, September 28, 2012

Being Busy at Home

Jennifer hung up the kitchen towel, took one last look at the kitchen and smiled as she had completed the task of doing the dishes after dinner. She walked out to the living room and notices the children have failed to pick up their toys after dinner as they were told.  She then remembered that there was laundry needing to be folded, lunches to get ready for her children and clothes to be ironed for her husband the next day. Jennifer sighed as she continued on working to complete these various tasks. She wondered if she was ever going to get to sit down that night and finally have her quiet time with the Lord like she was hoping.  The battle in her mind was now beginning as she had a choice to serve her family happily or complain about the work to be done.

* What are some biblical principles Jennifer can remember as she fights to maintain a good attitude while working at home?
* How can women like Jennifer strive to maintain the balance of housework and time spent in God’s Word?

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