Friday, July 17, 2009

Jesus, our Righteous Advocate

We spent yesterday talking about Jesus as our Advocate. What is an advocate? It is one who pleads another's cause, who helps another by comforting him. Christ is our advocate! Hebrews 4:15-16 gives us such a comfort in that Christ is able to sympathize with our weaknesses and so we can with confidence draw near to the throne of God's grace! We pray that you will see Christ as your advocate when you are struggling with sin - what a powerful resource that you have - use it! Today we answered the question - why is Jesus Christ righteous? He is without sin! Praise God! 1 John 3:5 tells us that there is no sin in Him as well as many other verses in Scripture. Are you thankful for His righteousness? What do you do with this information that Jesus Christ is our Righteous Advocate? Are you using the resource that God has given you or are you giving in to the temptation to sin? Are you looking to the Bible for your help or are you seeking the secular advice of the world? If you have sinned are you recognizing that Christ has pleaded your cause to the Heavenly Father and has forgiven you? You can live confidently knowing that if you do sin that you have Jesus Christ, who is your righteous advocate!

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