Monday, January 18, 2010

Anointing by the Holy One

Today we continued in our study of 1 John in chapter 2:20. We asked the question: What is the significance of being anointed by the Holy One? How can we understand this verse? The term “anointing” refers back to the Old Testament when one was anointed with oil to be set apart. As believers we are anointed, set apart. John 6:69 tells us that Jesus is the Holy One who gives this anointing. The anointing is the Holy Spirit as we see in John 1:32-33. This anointing is given at salvation (Ephesians 1:33) and abides in us (1 John 2:27). How exciting that as God’s children, we have the resource we need to discern doctrinal error through the Holy Spirit that abides in us. In the context of 1 John, this was encouraging to the believers in this church as there were many who were turning away from the truth of God’s Word. Join us tomorrow as we continue discussing this verse.

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