Thursday, January 14, 2010

Counterfeit Christians

"Counterfeit Christians." Does that term seem to make sense? 1 John 2:19 tells us that this church had these counterfeit Christians. There were those who were part of the fellowship that once claimed salvation and then left. 2 Timothy 4:1 tells us that in the later times some will depart from the faith. Note this does not state they "lost" their salvation. When we read 1 John 2:19 it says when these counterfeit Christians left it was so that it would be "plain that they all are not of us." Have you experienced this in your church? Have you had professing believers part of your fellowship and then later leave the church to go back to their old lifestyle? It could be that they never truly accepted Christ. This gives you a way to pray for them - that if they are not saved, then the Lord would lead them to salvation. Only God knows the heart and if they are a child of God. You can be confident that those who are truly saved that God can lead them to repentance. Pray for those who have left...

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