Thursday, December 9, 2010


"You Christians do not have to walk around defeated, because Jesus Christ has made you victors! He has defeated every enemy and you share in His victory. Now, by faith, claim His victory." (Warren W. Wiersbe) Isn't that powerful??? Because of the faith we have in Christ, we are victors over every enemy, every trial, every sin. John 16:33, "Take heart! I have overcome the world." Because believers are in Christ, we can have hope! But it is only through Christ. It is not through me, it is not through worldly philosophy, but it is only through Christ. Claim the victory over sin and do not walk defeated. I know we all go through difficult times, where God stretches us and uses circumstances to "be conformed to the image of His Son." (Romans 8:29) Yet, we do not have to frown or worry through these times....we are victors! What hope and testimony that can give to unbelieving family, friends, co-workers or neighbors when they see the faith and confidence you have in your Savior. Claim that victory today!

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