Monday, December 27, 2010

What to do?

We ask the question today, "If I see a brother sinning, what do I do?" Here's how we answer:

  1. Ask questions! Maybe you need to find out some more facts of the situation before you determine if they are sinning.
  2. Pray! The text of 1 John 5:16-17 tells believers to pray....enough said!
  3. Follow Matthew 18 - but check your life first (Matthew 7:1-5)
  4. Remember the goal of confrontation is to see the sinning brother restored (Galatians 6:1), so be sure to go with a spirit of gentleness.


Anonymous said...

This whole area is something I have been struggling with. Praying about this in many directions for a length of time, seeking my husbands guidance, yet still not sensing His peace in this. Was not sure about my own logs, as well as questioning myself if am I taking this personally [consistent rudeness and attitude and not just isolated--or just to me]. Or is this a personality clash issue. I have prayed that God would help me to love this person. Yet others seem to "allow" this to go on. Also how to approach a brother/sister in Christ and show love [I have made many attempts]. Not even sure if this person is saved. Still questioning if I CAN/SHOULD approach with this; as this person is typically very confrontational, loud, needing an audience and seems to always need to the expert. Yet I wonder if others are praying. This was helpful in pointing me back to what Word has to say about this. I am convicted of needing to study Word in this area. My emotions and offense by this has marred my judgment and I believe it has caused me to sin in my heart attitude. I plan to pray more and listen to the rest of this weeks study. I know that what is in the heart comes out the mouth. This is very important for me to deal with, not just in approach but also in my own heart. God's timing is perfect.

Rebecca said...

Dear sister, isn't the Lord good to draw us to Himself through our relationships with others!
Remember "peace" can be a feeling we are seeking but instead of a feeling our Father wants us to operate on His Truth. God's Word teaches us we all stand before Him - alone. He alone knows hearts, we do not have that ability. Our hearts are deceitful!
I am praying for you to be encouraged as you draw near to our Lord and hope you can choose to count each trial as joy from Him.
Lord bless you!