Monday, April 30, 2012


In Acts 5 we encounter a familiar event in the early church: the lie of Ananias and his wife Sapphira. Please take some time to read verses 1-11 as we will be in this section of Scripture for several days.  It is important to note that at the end of chapter 4, we find a good example of a believer who sold his property and "brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet." This man was Barnabas.  Then we meet a couple who agrees together to sell their land. Outwardly this was a good thing; however, we discover their heart motivation was to deceive. They thought no one else would know their of their plan, we read that God knew and enlightened Peter to find out.  What was their sin? Lying, pride, greed, hypocrisy, the desire to be well-thought of in the congregation.... Their sin had the potential of hurting the entire church. Do YOU stop to consider how your sin could affect your church? It's a question I think we all must take time to consider.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Giving hope to others

We all know people who despair and we can be tempted to despair also. God's Word offers hope as we focus on His greatness and His goodness instead of the circumstances around us. Heartaches and hurts are real but thankfully the Lord has provided all we need to hope in Him. We share a lot of Scripture in today's session and we would love for you to share your favorite passages that encourage yo to hope in our loving Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fellowship, is it my burden or blessing?

Fellowship is a privilege, given by God. We can facilitate fellowship in our homes and be motivated as we remember the OPPORTUNITY to show the love of Jesus Fellowship is the essence of the Christian life—fellowship with God and fellowship with other believers in Christ. In the beginning, Adam was placed in the garden to enjoy friendship and communion with God. GOD CREATED US TO ENJOY FELLOWSHIP/COMMUNION/ INTIMACY WITH HIM! In Acts they fellowshipped by studying, praying, Communion, worshipping God together… communion. FELLOWSHIP REQUIRES HUMILITY…CAN’T BE THINKING ABOUT MY OWN OPINION…can’t want everyone to conform to me. The hearts of the Lord and his disciples/followers were knit together by a deep sense of love and commitment. Later the disciples discovered that their own hearts were strongly united out of their common loyalty to Jesus. Following the cross and the outpouring of the Spirit the church was born, that new society of people in fellowship with God and with one another.= THE CHURCH The depth of camaraderie among the first Christians is portrayed in the early chapters of Acts. Daily the believers met together in house groups for teaching, fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and prayer (Acts 2:42, 46). So profound was their sense of togetherness that the Christians pooled their possessions and distributed them to brethren in need (vv 44, 45; 4:32–35). Perhaps the dominant characteristic of this early Christian fellowship was “love of the brethren… My first priority is fellowship with God. Then I can actively, faithfully participate in my local Church. Communion services, worship service, pray together, sing together… Hospitality! In my home, at church, at coffee shop… “Together” is key! Requires my time, $, planning, sometimes sacrifice. (Love is sacrifice) Wiersbe – Be Dynamic “The Christians we meet in the book of Acts were not content to meet once a week for a service. They met daily, cared daily, spoke of Jesus and souls were saved daily, searched the scriptures daily, Their faith was day to day reality NOT once a week routine.” FELLOWSHIP was not just a part of their lives – it was their life.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Praising God at all times, seriously?

Why is praising God ALWAYS the best choice in EVERY situation? If I am a women in God's Word I know the answer is that God tells me to "rejoice in the Lord always" Philippians 4:4. But seriously how do I practically praise the Lord - no matter what... Today we share many verses that help us as we seek to control our thoughts and thereby contol our emotions as we choose to praise our good God and thank Him for all things. How about you? How do you praise the Lord in the good times and the difficult times?

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Luke describes the beauty and dynamics of the growing and developing church. He portrays the spontaneity, dedication, and devotion of the early Christians in relation to God in the worship services. Hard to imagine 3,000 solus saved in one day, imagine 3,000 baptisims! The priests and the scribes desired full control of the Jewish people. But when Jesus taught the Scriptures with authority AND TOLD THE PEOPLE THEIR SPIRTUAL LEADERS WERE VIPERS, HYPOCRITES…, they vigorously opposed him and eventually succeeded in killing him. From a Christianized culture, we have difficulty understanding the mental agony the Jews experienced when they decided to break away from the power and authority of their spiritual leaders, thier national heritage and thier mother's teachings. The significance of this? Devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching (LEARNERS!) & fellowship (UNITY!) & breaking bread (REMEMBERING CHRIST’S SACRIFICE) & prayers (WORSHIP!). A sense of awe filled the hearts of all believers because they experienced the presence of God in them and their midst.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is the Holy Spirit at work in my life?

Now we are at the exciting time of Pentecost! The Holy Spirit has come just like Jesus promised! People are trying to figure out what is going on. Peter is preaching to thousands of people explaining who Jesus is and how they should respond to Jesus. In Acts 2:21 – ALL can be saved! Not just men and women – NOT JUST JEWS! ALL…Luke is laying out this new time – the time of the Church. No longer just the religious leaders which were all men – but now ALL had access to God! We do not live in a “class” society so it is hard for us to understand how Jesus changed the world. In Acts Luke makes no distinction between men and women. Both suffer persecution (8:3); both join the church (17:4, 12); and both teach (18:26). WHAT AN EXCITING TIME TO BE A WOMAN! So do I see evidences of the Holy Spirit at work in my life? Conviction of sin, hunger and thirst for God’s Word and His presence, JOY, confidence that I am God’s child, these are just a few of the many works that the Holy Spirit accomplishes in our daily lives.

Monday, April 16, 2012


DEVOTED TO PRAYER! Warren Wiersbe has written a commentary on Acts titled “Be Dynamic”; in his book he shows how prayer was VERY significant to the early church. In almost every chapter in Acts we can find God’s people praying and we know the women were part of these prayer meetings as here in chapter 2. Mary, the mother of Jesus was praying and worshipping and probably serving. This is the last time Mary is mentioned in the NT. Interesting when we consider Luke may have gotten some of his information and intimate details from Mary.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Sharing the Gospel

Mr. Watson tells his wife, “I think we should invite the Johnson family over for dinner this week.” “Really?” Mrs. Watson replies. “They have 6 children and that would really stretch our food budget thin.” “I know,” said Mr. Watson, “but I have been thinking about how important it is that we try to get to know them in order to share the gospel with them. If we can stretch our budget in order to share Christ, isn’t it worth it?” Mrs. Watson thinks about what her husband says and knows she can’t disagree with sharing the gospel, but she is really worried about feeding a family of 8 and being setback with their food for the rest of the week.

What are Mrs. Watson’s challenges?

*What truths can she remember from Scripture to help her with her challenges?

*What may she practically do in the future to prepare for hospitality whether it is planned or unexpectedly?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Women in the Book of Acts

We are starting a new study today, women in the book of Acts! Come join us for the next two sessions as we ask some background questions in order that we might be able to understand Acts more accurately. What are you looking forward to learning in this upcoming study?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Women in God's Salvation Story

What a blessing to be able to look back through the book of Luke and see how God has used women in His Salvation Story! As we finish our study of the women in Luke, we ought to ask ourselves if we are loving and serving Christ. Many of the women sacrificed greatly for our Lord, are we?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Real Life ~ Real Answers

Feeling Empty

Priscilla knocked down her alarm clock, fumbled for it, found it, took a close look, and groaned. She’d overslept by almost an hour. She jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen to grab something to take with her. Nothing. All her power bars and granola bars were gone. It’s going to be one of those days, she growled.

At work, Priscilla punched her timecard with just seconds to spare. The day seemed to plod along as she did the same boring work and worked with the same annoying people.

At home Priscilla plopped down in front of the TV while she ate her supper. She watched her favorite shows and then, bored with what came afterward, she flipped through the channels, caught an old movie, and watched it to the end. She glanced at the clock as she headed for bed. Two a.m.

As Priscilla laid in bed the familiar sense of emptiness crept into her mind. She knew she shouldn’t feel that way as a Christian, but she wasn’t sure what to do about it. God seemed like a far away stranger to her.

*If Priscilla was your friend and shared her feeling of emptiness to you, what could you say to her to encourage her in her walk with God?

*What practical things might Priscilla do to help her facilitate some quiet time with the Lord?

*How might you help keep her accountable?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


What do you do to help you remember God’s Word when you are in the middle of an intense emotional situation? Join us for the next two sessions as we discuss this topic! Feel free to let us know what has helped you to remember God's Word in your own life during stressful times.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Women at the Tomb

Luke 24:1-12 ~ The devoted women to Christ, also now show their faithfulness in resting on the Sabbath.  They retun early the next day to bring the spices they had prepared to the tomb. Only they find the angels, and no body.  These women had experienced a myriad of emotions from Luke 23:49 through 24:11. Today we talk about their emotions.