Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fellowship, is it my burden or blessing?

Fellowship is a privilege, given by God. We can facilitate fellowship in our homes and be motivated as we remember the OPPORTUNITY to show the love of Jesus Fellowship is the essence of the Christian life—fellowship with God and fellowship with other believers in Christ. In the beginning, Adam was placed in the garden to enjoy friendship and communion with God. GOD CREATED US TO ENJOY FELLOWSHIP/COMMUNION/ INTIMACY WITH HIM! In Acts they fellowshipped by studying, praying, Communion, worshipping God together… communion. FELLOWSHIP REQUIRES HUMILITY…CAN’T BE THINKING ABOUT MY OWN OPINION…can’t want everyone to conform to me. The hearts of the Lord and his disciples/followers were knit together by a deep sense of love and commitment. Later the disciples discovered that their own hearts were strongly united out of their common loyalty to Jesus. Following the cross and the outpouring of the Spirit the church was born, that new society of people in fellowship with God and with one another.= THE CHURCH The depth of camaraderie among the first Christians is portrayed in the early chapters of Acts. Daily the believers met together in house groups for teaching, fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and prayer (Acts 2:42, 46). So profound was their sense of togetherness that the Christians pooled their possessions and distributed them to brethren in need (vv 44, 45; 4:32–35). Perhaps the dominant characteristic of this early Christian fellowship was “love of the brethren… My first priority is fellowship with God. Then I can actively, faithfully participate in my local Church. Communion services, worship service, pray together, sing together… Hospitality! In my home, at church, at coffee shop… “Together” is key! Requires my time, $, planning, sometimes sacrifice. (Love is sacrifice) Wiersbe – Be Dynamic “The Christians we meet in the book of Acts were not content to meet once a week for a service. They met daily, cared daily, spoke of Jesus and souls were saved daily, searched the scriptures daily, Their faith was day to day reality NOT once a week routine.” FELLOWSHIP was not just a part of their lives – it was their life.

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