Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is the Holy Spirit at work in my life?

Now we are at the exciting time of Pentecost! The Holy Spirit has come just like Jesus promised! People are trying to figure out what is going on. Peter is preaching to thousands of people explaining who Jesus is and how they should respond to Jesus. In Acts 2:21 – ALL can be saved! Not just men and women – NOT JUST JEWS! ALL…Luke is laying out this new time – the time of the Church. No longer just the religious leaders which were all men – but now ALL had access to God! We do not live in a “class” society so it is hard for us to understand how Jesus changed the world. In Acts Luke makes no distinction between men and women. Both suffer persecution (8:3); both join the church (17:4, 12); and both teach (18:26). WHAT AN EXCITING TIME TO BE A WOMAN! So do I see evidences of the Holy Spirit at work in my life? Conviction of sin, hunger and thirst for God’s Word and His presence, JOY, confidence that I am God’s child, these are just a few of the many works that the Holy Spirit accomplishes in our daily lives.

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