Thursday, May 17, 2012

Biblical Problem Solving

In Acts 6:1-7, we encounter a problem in the early church. What we are about to read in this passage is an beautiful example about how a problem in the church can be handled in a biblical, God-honoring way.

The Problem: Widows were being neglected in the daily distribution.  The Hellenistic Jews (not native to Jerusalem) raised the concern as it was their widows who were being neglected.

The Solution: The Apostles took charge of the situation and suggested a plan that pleased the congregation. Seven men with impeccable qualifications were chosen to handle the situation surrounding the directly.

The Result: The Word of God increased and the number of disciples were multiplied (vs. 7).

As we take this section of Scripture and meditate on it's truths, let us consider how God wants us to handle conflict. What a blessing that we have an example of how to handle problems within the church.

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