Friday, May 25, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers

Idols of the Heart
Bonnie calls you just sobbing, “It was negative, again!!!” You quickly realize she is talking about the results of the pregnancy test you knew she was excited to take.  You sigh and quickly pray that God would give you the right words to comfort your friend. Bonnie and her husband have been trying to have a baby for quite some time. Bonnie so desperately wants a baby. She stares at the other young women in church who have children and can’t wait until she can have a child of her own. When you talk with her, ALL she talks about is getting pregnant. She has ideas for names, for the nursery, how to raise the child. She even has started picking up maternity clothes and things for the baby. Her husband is supportive but is growing weary of the constant emotion involved. Bonnie is your best friend and you are grieved to see her so disappointed every month.

*As Bonnie’s friend, how should you answer this desperate phone call?

*What is unbiblical about Bonnie’s thinking?

*What must Bonnie focus on more than having a baby?

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