Tuesday, July 31, 2012


As we move on in our study of Acts, we come to meet another woman whose name is Lydia.  In chapter 16:11-14 and verse 40 we learn about this woman. This account takes place in Philippi and we learn that she and other women meet by the riverside outside of the gate on the Sabbath.  There was no synagogue in the town so Paul, Silas, Timothy & Luke knew that if there were a group a people who would worship God that  they would meet by the riverside. Lydia was from Thyatira and a seller of purple fabrics. She possible moved to Philippi to move her business there.  As we go through this study in the next several days, we are going to learn how God used this woman to help start the church in Philippi.  Lydia was seeking and then listened to Paul when presented with the truth. She listened and embraced the truth of God's Word.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers: Marriage Problems

Your best friend calls you from out of state with a desperate voice saying, “I want out! I want out of this marriage! I can’t take it any more! How can God expect me to live with this man who makes me so angry and doesn’t love me? Don’t I deserve to be happy?”  You have known they were having problems resolving conflict, but didn’t realize that it was this bad.

*What Biblical advice should you share with your friend that would help her view this situation in a godly way?

*What could you challenge her to do to be the godly wife God wants her to be?

Recommended Books:
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Faithful Mother

In Acts 16:1-3 and 2 Timothy 1:5, we read about Timothy's mother. We encourage you to prayerfully consider how this passage can be an encouragement and challenge to you as you strive to be a faithful mother. Whether you have children of your own or are an spiritual mother to children in your church or neighborhood, what we learn from Eunice is an encouragement to us all.

Eunice was a Jewish believer, married to an unbelieving Gentile.  The family lived in Lystra, where Paul was nearly stoned to death on his first visit.  Timothy's grandmother (Lois) and mother (Eunice) probably became believers on that first visit.  We learn more about Eunice in 2 Timothy 1:5 and 3:15. It is especially challenging that Eunice took the time to teach Timothy from his childhood the Scriptures.  Eunice was a faithful mother who taught her son the truth of the Gospel, and how to live the Gospel in front of others.  Timothy was well respected in his community and learned the importance of not only believing the gospel but living the gospel.

As women, we are all "mothers" in some sense. These truths must apply in our lives. Are you faithful to teach the children who God has place in your influence?  Are you a faithful example? This doesn't mean you have to be perfect, but that you LIVE the gospel in front of those who are in your influence.  Let us know how you are challenged from this passage.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Persecution in the Church

As we talk about the story surrounding Paul and Barnabas, we read they are persecuted. We are not told how they are persecuted.  As we talk today, we discuss persecution that takes place in churches of our day. While we don't face the same persecution for sharing the Gospel in America today, there are Christians in the world who do face persecution.  To learn more about the persecuted church, we share a couple of resources listed here and listed on the right of the blog

1) Voice of Martyrs - www. persecution.com
2) Daughters of Hope by Kay Marshall Strom and Michelle Rickett
3) Forgotten Girls by Kay Strom and Michelle Rickett

Friday, July 20, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers: Learning Contentment

Your teen daughter comes home from the mall where she spent some time with friends. In desperation, she tells you she needs a new pair of jeans. You know she has plenty of good jeans in her closet, so you press her further as to why she thinks she needs a new pair of jeans.  After some time, you find out there is a new style out. All your daughter’s friends have these new jeans and your daughter also wants a pair.

*How can you use this situation to help your daughter determine if she is being content or greedy?

*What are some other practical ways you could model and show contentment in life to be an example to your daughter?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Women of High Standing, part 2

As we move now into the discussion of the "women of high standing" we take some time today to discuss what the term "high standing" means.  There are several thoughts regarding who these women were. Some scholars believe that these women were the Jewish wives of the city magistrates who would be able to convince their husbands to get rid of Paul and Barnabas. Another though is that these were Gentile proselytes who had been attracted to the Jewish religion and who had some political power.  Whichever the case, we know that the women's character was not exactly godly. Their character was flawed by selfish ambition and ignoring the truth of what they heard.  They attempted to hinder the spread of the gospel.  However, the good news is that we know that the gospel spread despite their attempts to stop the Good News from being shared.  This scenario causes us to ask if we are like these women? Do we say we love God, but stand in the way of the gospel? Think about how your attitude and actions in your church affect others and God's Work.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Women of High-Standing

We come to Acts 13:44-52 where we meet a different group of women mentioned in this study. Before we get to talking about the women, we need to take some time to discuss the context in which these women are mentioned.  We find that Paul is preaching in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia (13:14-16) and he is preaching the message of forgiveness through Christ. This message is significant because salvation is not through the external keeping of laws, but rather through faith in Jesus Christ.  God's word was spreading to the Gentiles because the Jews rejected it.  These Gentiles rejoiced and many believed!  As we study in the next few days we are going to see that the Jews are filled with jealousy over the fact that the Gospel is offered to the Gentiles. Unfortunately the Jews reacted similarly to Jonah (4:1-3) as they were displeased with God's plan.  How about you?  If you've accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, are you spreading the Good News?  Do you find yourself thinking that the Gospel doesn't deserve to be given to certain people (unfriendly neighbors, criminals, etc...)?  What a challenge today to consider how we might share the Gospel with those who need it!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers

Waiting on God

A young lady in your church longs to be married. She feels she has prepared for marriage her whole life thus far and doesn't understand why Prince Charming hasn't entered her life yet. She is becoming bitter at God for not allowing this to happen and is hurting and confused as she tries to make decisions for the future wishing that God would allow her to meet the right man. She confides her feelings to you.

What could you say to her to help her understand God’s will?

How can this young lady learn to be content while she learns God’s will for her life?

How could you pray for her?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Do You Believe God Answers Prayer?

Do You Believe God Answers Prayer?
Of course, you do! However, sometimes answered prayer doesn't reflect what you want, or what you think is best or comes in a way that you least expect. Look at these believers in Mary's home. Remember, they are fervently praying for Peter's release.  God answered prayer and freed Peter. When Rhoda tells the group that Peter is at the gate, they didn't believe her?  They even claimed she was out of her mind or that she saw his angel!  Wait a minute.....how did the church go from trusting and praying fervently for Peter's release to not believing that their prayer was answered????? This doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but I do know that I am not much different. I often don't see answered prayer or want to believe that is how God answered my prayer.  These group of believers didn't want to believe the servant girl. Maybe they were waiting for something more miraculous. Rhoda persists in her defense of what she knows to be true and finally they decide to check the gate and sure enough, there was Peter! Imagine how ashamed they must have felt for not believing in the very thing they had prayed many days and nights for!

As I consider how I respond to answered prayer, I must be watchful. Sometimes God's reply is not what I want or it comes in a way I don't expect or want to believe. Yet, as I tune my heart into God's will, I can be assured that He has what is best for me and that He will answer my prayer according to His will.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mary & Rhoda

When Peter realizes that he is freed from his prison cell, he goes to the house of Mary. (Acts 12:-17)  He knocks at the gate and a servant girl named Rhoda comes. Hearing Peter's voice, she left him at the gate and returned to the group of believers telling them Peter was at the gate. They refused to believe her telling her she was crazy or that she just heard Peter's spirit.  Rhoda was persistent and Peter was finally let in where he told the believers the miraculous story of his deliverance.

What do we know about Mary and her family? 
Mary was the mother of Peter's companion, John Mark. Her home was where many believers gathered together to pray for Peter's release. This possibly was a house church and Peter knew he could go to Mary's home after his release. She had a servant girl named Rhoda, who we imagine to be a young teen girl based on her reaction: she forgets to let Peter in the gate! 

We see that the group of believers are still together, still praying for Peter. Mary was using her home to not only serve people in this time of need for praying for Peter, but also was using it selflessly as it was the middle of the night. What an example of hospitality that we can learn from. Do you ever tire of serving? Are you ever impatient for company to leave when the day is drawing late?  Let's remember to use what we have for God's glory and His purpose.

Monday, July 9, 2012

God's Miraculous Plan

In Acts 12:6-11, we find the wonderful and somewhat humorous story about how Peter is freed from the prison cell. It's truly the hand of God and we can see that no matter what Herod thought he was going to do, God's plan prevailed. This story is also humorous in Peter's response....He was out of it not even waking to the bright light, had to be reminded to get dressed, get his shoes, his coat and thought he was having a vision.  He finally wakes up and realizes God has set him free!

As you trust God in your own life, you can take a lesson from Peter.  He was on the eve of his death, but was sleeping soundly in a cold and uncomfortable cell. How was he able to sleep? He trusted God.  Might I ask you to consider that on your sleepless nights when you can't get a trouble out of your mind and you are restless, are you trusting God completely?  I believe that Peter lived 1 Peter 5:7 and gave all his fears to God and God gave Him peace. And God can do that for you too.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers

Single and Pregnant

A young girl in your church recently found out that she is pregnant. She is not yet married. You know her well, and she comes to you for advice and direction.

*In what way should you respond to show her Christ’s love?

*In what ways could you encourage her as she goes forward with this pregnancy?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Intercessory Prayer

Today we take some time to talk about Intercessory Prayer. This study helps us as we consider how we can pray more fervently. So here are a few biblical principles regarding intercessory prayer.
1. Christ set an example - Luke 22:31-32
2. It is commanded - 1Timothy 2:1
3. Should be offered up for ministers - Philippians 1:19
4. Should be offered up for all saints - Ephesians 6:18
5. Should be offered up for friends - Job 42:8
6. Should be offered up for those who persecute - Matthew 5:43-44
7. By ministers for their people - Ephesians 1:16
8. Encouragement to pray for others - James 5:16
9. It is a sin to neglect to pray - 1 Samuel 12:23
10. Ask others to pray - Hebrews 13:8

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What Do You Do?

What do you do in response to trials?
Do you ever earnestly prayer for others?

These are wonderful questions to consider as you seek to apply Acts 12:5 to our lives.  In response to trials, you must trust that your good and loving God has your best interests in mind. You must lean on His wisdom and not your own (Proverbs 3:5-6).  As you consider how you pray for others, generally the circumstance dictates the fervency of your prayers, right? For example, if you suddenly lose a loved one, you are generally more apt to pray. But through the everyday life, I think you would agree, that you don't pray earnestly for your church, your pastor, the salvation of your neighbors or friends. What a conviction this study has been for me, and I hope you'll see what God is teaching you through it too.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Response to Trials

In Acts 12:1-19 we come across two other ladies mentioned in the early church: Mary & Rhoda. Before we actually talk about them and their role, we need to set the background of why they are mentioned.  In verses 1-5 we learn that Herod has killed James and to politically advance his reputation with the Jews, Herod also arrests Peter intending to kill him after the Passover.  Verse 5 gives the response of the church to Peter's arrest: "but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church."  The word "earnest" (or "fervent" as used in other translations) is related to the word ektenēs, a medical term describing the stretching of a muscle to its limits. This word is also used in Luke 22:44 to describe the Lord's prayer in Gethsemane. So we have a better picture of how the church prayed for Peter. Wow! We are going to talk much about prayer in the days ahead, and we pray that this will encourage you as you trust in the Lord during times of difficulty.