Do You Believe God Answers Prayer?
Of course, you do! However, sometimes answered prayer doesn't reflect what you want, or what you think is best or comes in a way that you least expect. Look at these believers in Mary's home. Remember, they are fervently praying for Peter's release. God answered prayer and freed Peter. When Rhoda tells the group that Peter is at the gate, they didn't believe her? They even claimed she was out of her mind or that she saw his angel! Wait a did the church go from trusting and praying fervently for Peter's release to not believing that their prayer was answered????? This doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but I do know that I am not much different. I often don't see answered prayer or want to believe that is how God answered my prayer. These group of believers didn't want to believe the servant girl. Maybe they were waiting for something more miraculous. Rhoda persists in her defense of what she knows to be true and finally they decide to check the gate and sure enough, there was Peter! Imagine how ashamed they must have felt for not believing in the very thing they had prayed many days and nights for!
As I consider how I respond to answered prayer, I must be watchful. Sometimes God's reply is not what I want or it comes in a way I don't expect or want to believe. Yet, as I tune my heart into God's will, I can be assured that He has what is best for me and that He will answer my prayer according to His will.
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