Tuesday, July 31, 2012


As we move on in our study of Acts, we come to meet another woman whose name is Lydia.  In chapter 16:11-14 and verse 40 we learn about this woman. This account takes place in Philippi and we learn that she and other women meet by the riverside outside of the gate on the Sabbath.  There was no synagogue in the town so Paul, Silas, Timothy & Luke knew that if there were a group a people who would worship God that  they would meet by the riverside. Lydia was from Thyatira and a seller of purple fabrics. She possible moved to Philippi to move her business there.  As we go through this study in the next several days, we are going to learn how God used this woman to help start the church in Philippi.  Lydia was seeking and then listened to Paul when presented with the truth. She listened and embraced the truth of God's Word.

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