Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prophetess Defined

What does “prophet and prophesy” mean from Acts 2:14-21. What would a prophetess do? Are there prophetesses today? Can I be a prophetess? Join us today as we discover the definitions of these words and apply them to our text and our lives. 


Eclectic Christian said...

I just listened to "Women in the Word" discussing Acts 2:14-21. I wanted to clarify a statement made about the Jewish men praying, "Thank you, God, for not making me a women." While I agree that the culture was very male oriented. However, that particular prayer, I have been told, means something very different from what it sounds like. There were higher and more obligations placed on men than women. When the men prayed their prayer, they were actually stating that they were thankful that God had put the higher obligations on them and that they would be held to them. They didn't want to have the easier obligations that women had.

Rebecca said...

Wow! I need to study that prayer - thank you for the perspective - will check it out. Thank you again!