~Making a Biblical Appeal~
We like Martha Peace's approach to making a Biblical appeal as defined in her book The Excellent Wife. Here are some principles taken from her book.
1) "A biblical appeal is a request or plea to a person in authority for the purpose of asking them to reconsider or reevaluate a command..." Daniel 1:8 says that Daniel "purposed in his heart...therefore he requested..."
2) "When a wife believes she has a better or wiser idea, as her husband's helper, she should be ready to give her husband the benefit of her wise counsel and advice. A wise husband should always be ready to receive it." Proverbs 1:5 says "...a man of understanding will attain wise counsel."
3) "The appeal should be done for the purpose of achieving the husband's objective or desire (as long as the end that the husband has in mind is not a violation of God's Word).
4) "The motive of the wife must not be manipulative. She should not use the appeal simply to get her own way." Our motive must be for the sake of honoring our heavenly Father.
5) "The appeal should be made in a respectful manner and with a spirit of submission...with a kind and gentle voice." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describe love. It is patient, kind, not rude....
6) "The appeal should be done at the proper time...not rushed... or angry."
7) "An appeal should be made only once....frequent or repeated appeals may give the appearance that a wife is nagging, contentious, and manipulative."
8) A biblical appeal may sound something like this: "Honey, I am committed to doing whatever you decide; would you consider ________ as an alternative?"
9) "Unless the husband is sinning or asking his wife or others to sin, after an appeal is made, the wife must assume that his final decision is God's will for her at the moment-even if she must suffer for the sake of righteousness. " 1 Peter 3:17 says, "For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong."
We hope these principles help you as you seek to honor God by submitting to your husband.
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