Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Submitting to My Husband

"Submit to my husband? What? Do I really have to? But he doesn't know what he's doing! I know my choice is better!" These are perhaps thoughts that every woman has thought of. Submission is truly a difficult subject to discuss as we are selfish in nature and want our own way. Yet it is a biblical principle that we ought to follow. We desire to share with you the joy that it is to be a wife who submits willingly to her husband. We pray that through this time of discussion of what it means to submit to your husband that you will allow God to work in your heart. We pray God will reveal to you where change may be necessary in your life regarding this topic. Here are a few key thoughts from today's discussion: 1) The wife is equal to her husband in her value to God - Genesis 1:27 says that man and woman were created in His image. 2) The wife's role is to be the helper to her husband; she is ranked underneath him in order of authority of the marriage - Genesis 2:18. 3) The wife is to submit to her own husband "as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22). We can be joyful in our submission when we see that we are really submitting to Christ. The one exception is if your husband asks you to sin, you should choose to obey God rather than sinning (Acts 5:29). We pray the Lord will work in you to be a wife who will glorify God, even in the area of submission.


Anonymous said...

I appreciated the comments during the recent broadcasts about submitting to our husbands. Recently, my husband and I have been contemplating some major life changes. This has required faith on my part because I don't understand how we can make these things happen. It was a good reminder that I can trust God as I support my husband in the direction he is headed in.

Anonymous said...

Question: what are some good ways to begin an appeal to your husband? It would help to know what kind of language is supportive and non-threatening.

Rebecca said...

I was listening today and thought the same thing - we need to give examples of "how to" appeal. The very best resource for this is The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. There is another book I have heard of but not read about being a biblical peacemaker. Does anyone know the title?
You can email me directly and I can email some suggested thoughts about what to say in the appeal. Praying the Lord strengthens you!

Sarah said...

To Anonymous~
Please notice we have posted some "steps" of making a biblical appeal dated March 9. We hope this will help you!