Friday, March 13, 2009

Our Example/Our Motive

As we begin to study the "love chapter," we find that we need to check our motives. Why am I doing what I'm doing? What is motivating me to care for my family, serve in the church nursery, volunteer for church projects, etc....? We find in Scripture that Christ is our supreme example in everything. How can you check if Christ-like love is your motive? Ask yourself these questions-Are you thinking of yourself when serving or others? Are you willing to sacrifice for others? Do you desire praise for your service? Please join us next week as we begin discussing verse 1.

1 comment:

~katie~ said...

I often question myself on this issue when I am attempting to discipline or disciple my children in certain areas. If I expect such cheerful willingness from my children to do their chores with gratitude in their hearts, I have to ask myself..."Am I modeling this behavior/attitude for them? Are my motives correct? Are my priorities straight?" I've found that as I strive to become a more godly mother to my children...I am learning even more about becoming a godly child of Him myself! Very humbling!

Looking forward to tuning in next week. Thank you so much!
