Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The second example we are using under our discussion of "desires of the eyes" in 1 John 2:16 is Discontentment. As we begin this study, please pray that God would help you see any area in your life where you are discontent. If we were truly honest with ourselves, I think we would find that we are discontent in at least one area of our life. Today we played the "if only" game. We mentioned things that we had thought of ourselves or have heard. For example "if only I had more money, I could ...." Sometimes we think that "if only" we had something that would bring us joy. If YOU played the "if only" game yourself, what would be on your list? We need to remember that our true joy comes through knowing and believing in Christ. In the days ahead we will be sharing more thoughts on how to be content.

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