Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pride, part 2

The ladies continued their discussion today on the topic of pride. As they discuss pride and humility over the next several weeks, they will be using the book From Pride to Humility by Stuart Scott as a guide in the discussion. They will be sharing some manifestations of pride. Here are some: 1) Complaining against God, 2) A lack of gratitude, 3) Anger 4) Seeing yourself better than others, 5) Having an inflated view of your importance, 6) Being focused on the lack of your gifts. Each day over the next several days, they will share more manifestations of pride and verses giving examples of each. We hope that as you listen you will prayerfully consider if any of these prideful manifestations are a part of your life. If you find they are, please remember that God desires for you to repent and turn away from your sin.

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