Friday, July 16, 2010

Prayer, cont...

Verse 23 of 1 John 3 gives us two commands - things we KNOW God wants from us. These commands are to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and love others just as we've be instructed before. So the question we are asking about this verse is this: How should the truth affect your prayer life? We will be sharing our thoughts on this over the next couple of days. Please share yours!


~katie~ said...

Looking forward to this study on prayer. Just wanted to share with you ladies that I so enjoy listening to your radio program whenever I get the chance to join in. So very refreshing to follow along in a study through God's Word in this way. Thank you for your faithfulness to Him and following your call to do this!

Blessings in Him,

Rebecca said...

Thank you dear Katie for your encouragement! God's Word is truly precious and POWERFUL. What a priviledge to enjoy reading, studying and praying God's truths. Lord bless you dear sister.