Monday, July 5, 2010

What do we know?

As we move on in our study of 1 John, we come to the section of chapter 3 verses 19-24. In the book of John there are many instances where John says "we know" or "you know." We list for you today the 4 instances from 3:15-24. They are 1) vs. 15 - we know that no one who hates has eternal life, 2) vs. 16 - we know what love is, 3) vs. 19 - we know we are of the truth, 4) vs. 24 - we know that He abides in us by the proof of the Holy Spirit. These truths that we are to "know" ought to reassure us as vs. 19 tells us. When doubts arise, we can go back to the things we know to be true and have peace and confidence because of God's truth. When in doubt to you go to the Truth or do you seek advice and counsel from someone that doesn't know the Truth?

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