Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Giving Our All

In Luke 21:1-4 (cross reference Mark 12:41-44) we encounter Christ sitting with his disciples. He watches as the rich putting their gift in the offering and then sees a poor widow put in two small  copper coins. He uses this woman to be a wonderful example to not only the disciples who were with Christ, but to all who read the Scriptures.  Christ explains that she gave out of her poverty and it was all she had to live on. What faith! Christ alone would have known that this woman was so poor and that she gave ALL she had in faithfulness to God.  She had two coins and put both in...not withholding one for herself. Again, what faith! As you think of how you can give to God out of your own poverty, consider what God has given to you. If you have a moment, read this blog post to be reminded of the goodness of God upon our lives. Then let it challenge you as you strive to be faithful to God.

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