Friday, October 26, 2012

Saying Good-bye

It is our final day of broadcast of Women in the Word. 4 years ago, God began a journey in Pam, Rebecca and Sarah's lives to share God's Word with other women on the radio through WCTS. We began our study in Titus 2:1-5 in January 2009 and then moved on to 1 Corinthians 13. In the second year God brought to us Karen, Crystal, and Gloria Ormiston (now Burns!) and we studied in 1, 2 & 3 John.  Meredith joined the ministry and we studied in the book of Ruth and then Ecclesiastes in our 3rd year. We also began our study of women in the book of Luke and during this time God brought to us several more ladies to join our team: Jackie, Gloria Sperry, Lydia and Katlyn.  We spent 2012 studying the women in Luke as well as how God used women in the early church in the book of Acts. Throughout these years, Todd faithfully met with us to record for the ladies and we appreciate his ministry to us!  And now that this final broadcast is here, we want to praise our Heavenly Father for His plan and purpose of using Women in the Word in the lives of many women and for His goodness in providing many who supported the program along the way.  We pray that you'll continue to be a woman of God's word. 
~Walk with the Lord and be a blessing!~

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pictures of our last recording session

Rebecca ready to record our last week of sessions!

Sarah and Pam

Todd who has faithfully recorded well over 900 sessions for us!

Rebecca and Lydia

Each of the ladies contributed to a thankfulness basket for Todd and his wife

Todd recording what Women in the Word meant to him over the last few years.

You won't want to miss it as Todd and the ladies share today and Friday all that God taught them over the years of studying and recording!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

News About Our Blog and Facebook Page

For those of you follow Women in the Word on Facebook and the blog, we wanted to let you know the future of these two sites.

Facebook:  Will be up until the end of 2012.  Beginning January 1, 2013 the Women in the Word Facebook page will be removed.

Blog:  At this time the Women in the Word blog site will be available indefinitely. Available on the site are past blog entries, study notes for all of our Bible studies, resources and various websites we have found helpful.  We are not sure at this time how long audio archives will be available.

If you have any questions or want to share how Women in the Word has been an encouragement to you, we'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for listening!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Finishing Acts In Our Final Week

Today we begin to wrap up our study in the book of Acts. It has truly been an incredible study and we are ever so thankful for all of you who listened and studied along with us!  We also are sharing at this time that this week will be our last week to air on WCTS Radio. We are filled with mixed emotions about God's direction in closing this ministry, but we are confident that God is working out His plan for all of us.  We certainly appreciate your support and prayer for this ministry.  We'll spend a few days wrapping up our study in Acts and as we conclude this week, we'll have Rebecca, Sarah & Pam on air to share some personal thoughts and memories about being part of Women in the Word.  
Thanks for listening!

Friday, October 19, 2012

In God's Word

Your younger sister calls you. She’s been married for just 6 months now and is living in
another state now. You’ve always been close friends and you have a great relationship with
her. She tells you that she has been struggling to spend time in God’s Word for quite some
time. She says that since their engagement “life has been crazy” with wedding planning and
such. She is asking you for help to get back on track.

* What is encouraging about the attitude of this young lady?

* Where would you start to encourage her in her study of God’s Word?

* What are some practical things you have done to keep the study of God’s Word fresh
and exciting?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dangerous Friends

Your junior high son has started a new school year and with that has made a few new
friends. His attitude has become more rebellious, he is dressing more “worldly”, and he
doesn’t seem to care about his schoolwork but is rather focused on weekends and time with
his new friends. He had made a profession of salvation when he was 8. You and your husband
sit down with him one night to talk to him about your concerns about the influence of his new

* How should you approach your son? What are some responses to avoid?

* What questions could you ask to gather more information about his friends and
priorities at school?

* What biblical principles could you share with your son to encourage him in his walk
with God and to develop godly relationships with his friends?


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Making Time

Do you show interest in the topics of Jesus Christ and salvation or what do you spend more time listening to and talking about?
We'll be discussing this question today on Women in the Word. What are some ways that you make time to spend with God and to learn about Him? We'd love to hear your ideas!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today we continue to look at Drusilla's life in regard to Paul's challenge to her and to Felix. Acts 24:25 tells us "[Paul] reasoned about righteousness, and self-control, and the coming judgement." As Christians, we know that we can strive to practice self-control in our own lives in all things. Do you implement self-control in each aspect of your life? Whether it's eating, time management, worldly lusts, or speech, we are called to a life of self-control. Take time today to see what areas of your life can be more controlled and join us as we share some biblical truths and practical ideas!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today we are introduced to a new and interesting woman, Drusilla. Drusilla is the wife of the governor Felix, that Paul has just been brought before. She is very anxious to meet Paul, but is she happy when she finally gets a chance to meet him? Join us today as we discuss Drusilla, her background and her reaction to Paul.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Good Question

“Dad, how come none of our neighbors go to church?” five-year-old Tom asked as his family pulled into their driveway after returning from church. “Don’t they know that they are supposed to?”
“Well, son, they have chosen not to go. They think they have better things to do with their time,” Tom’s Dad replied.
“Do you think they even know about God? Do you think anyone has told them about Him?” Tom continued to ask.
Tom’s parents felt a bit awkward at Tom’s probing questions and tried to ignore them. They had lived next to some of their neighbors for ten years without ever telling them about God.

  • Evaluate the Dad’s first response. Was this response accurate?
  • How should Tom’s parents respond to his questions?
  •  How can Tom’s family begin to take steps to tell their neighbors about God?
  • Are there relationships in our own lives where we have failed to share the Gospel? What should the next step be to share Christ in these relationships?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family: God-given & Life-long Relationships

Yesterday, we discussed Paul and the little information we have about his family. Join us today as we look at our own lives and talk about how we treat our family members and what we can do today to show them that we love them. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Paul's Sister

Paul has now traveled from Caesarea to Jerusalem. Here, there has been a great response to the Gospel - from both Jews and Gentiles. However, unfortunately, this has led to a riot in the temple. Paul is brought before the Sanhedrin and now there is a plot against his life. Everything seems to be against him and then we discover that Paul has a sister. Although there is very little information about her, we see God use her and her son to impact Paul.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prophetess Defined

What does “prophet and prophesy” mean from Acts 2:14-21. What would a prophetess do? Are there prophetesses today? Can I be a prophetess? Join us today as we discover the definitions of these words and apply them to our text and our lives. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Philip's Daughters

In Acts 21:7-9, we find Paul in Caesarea. Here he meets up with Philip and his family. Philip has four daughters that are described as prophetesses. What does this mean? Join us today as we discuss Philip and what this term means.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Being Busy at Home

Jennifer hung up the kitchen towel, took one last look at the kitchen and smiled as she had completed the task of doing the dishes after dinner. She walked out to the living room and notices the children have failed to pick up their toys after dinner as they were told.  She then remembered that there was laundry needing to be folded, lunches to get ready for her children and clothes to be ironed for her husband the next day. Jennifer sighed as she continued on working to complete these various tasks. She wondered if she was ever going to get to sit down that night and finally have her quiet time with the Lord like she was hoping.  The battle in her mind was now beginning as she had a choice to serve her family happily or complain about the work to be done.

* What are some biblical principles Jennifer can remember as she fights to maintain a good attitude while working at home?
* How can women like Jennifer strive to maintain the balance of housework and time spent in God’s Word?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Time to Fellowship & Pray

The wives in Acts 21:1-6, were taking time to pray and fellowship with Paul and others.  Are you taking time to fellowship and pray with others like the women in this passage? What are some ways in which you can do this in your own life? How do you communicate the importance and value of fellowship and prayer? Join us today as we discuss this and more.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The wives and the children

Luke continues to show how God used women in the early church and in Acts 21:1-6 Luke even includes the children! We enjoy thinking about these believers,their love for one another and for Paul. What a sweet image this brings to our mind where the children are included in the prayer time and farewell. Little people hugs are always precious and I imagine Paul enjoyed every single one.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Big idols or little idols they are all the same

We don't bow down and worship little statues like the folks in Acts but we do need to evaluate what we worship. The way we spend our time and money reveal what we worship. What we think about all day long also gives us a clue as to what our heart is set on having or serving. Oh may our hearts worship and praise the one true living God!

Friday, September 21, 2012

There's Still Time!

There's still time today to give to the financial needs of WCTS Radio. If God has used Women in the Word to encourage you in the Word, would you prayerfully consider how you can support our host radio station?

You can give your tax-deductible donation by calling: 763-417-8270 or 1-866-766-8556
or by donating online at

Thank you for your partnership in prayer and giving!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sharathon 2012 - Please Support Us!

You have an opportunity this week to prayerfully consider how you might be able to financially support the station as it continues to provide music and programs that encourage us in our walk with God.

You can give your tax-deductible donation by calling: 763-417-8270 or 1-866-766-8556
or by donating online at

Thank you for your partnership in prayer and giving!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sharathon 2012

Did you know that Women in the Word is produced by WCTS Radio? Two or three times a month, three ladies from our team meet for a Bible study and are surrounded by microphones, headsets and accompanied by our friend Todd who faithfully records for the program for us.  Our Bible study program is also exclusively heard on WCTS Radio and we are thankful for the people involved in editing and getting ready the program to air each weekday.

Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to financially support the station as it continues to provide music and programs that encourage us in our walk with God.

You can give your tax-deductible donation by calling: 763-417-8270 or 1-866-766-8556
or by donating online at

Thank you for your partnership in prayer and giving!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Whose body is it anyway? Real life, Real answers

Okay, this is not my favorite topic but it is a critical part of our sanctification. Knowing God's Word and connecting the truths to moment-by-moment life can be a struggle. Today the ladies share practical ways to connect the dots between scripture and daily life. Knowing AND doing biblical principles is possible!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Do I over react? Do I want to admit I over react? These are tough questions to honestly answer and even tougher to address. We often can identify a sin problem in our life but knowing what to do next can be a challenge. Today we visit abut how to identify and then change this sinful response. Join us, if you are brave enough!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Goddess Artemis

Interesting how this "woman" the goddess Artemis, who was an idol, affected so many lives from many places. This passage in Acts 19:23-37 is a fascinating account and you don't want to miss our conversation. Be sure to read for yourself how God's Word was changing the world. The contrast between Paul and Demetrius is worth investigating and helpful in checking my own motives for what I worship.

A prayer request for our listeners...

Did you know that Women in the Word is exclusively produced and aired on WCTS Radio?  God began our Bible study program almost 5 years ago and it has been a privilege to share and study God's Word with you.

Next week (September 17-21, 2012) WCTS Radio will host it's annual Sharathon. This is a time for listeners and friends to financially support the ministry of WCTS Radio.  Would you pray about giving financially to support the station?  Your gift will be tax deductible and will be used to further the work and meet the needs of the station.  Please go to for more information and/or to donate online.

Thank you,
Because of Christ,

Friday, September 7, 2012

Money Trouble

As you talk with your husband about his recent paycheck and bills that need to be paid with that money, you realize that he has not talked about giving money to your church. You ask him about it and he says that there isn’t enough to go to the church because there are too many bills to pay right now. He explains that when everything is caught up, he’ll give some money to the church. Your heart sinks. You know that God desires faithfulness in giving.

*How can you submissively and respectfully talk with your husband about Biblical principles of giving?

*What if he doesn’t agree with you?

*How can you pray for him?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Results of Discipleship

Because Priscilla and Aquila took time to disciple Apollos, he went out and continued the work of the ministry elsewhere. Join us today as we discuss these results of their selfless actions.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Look at Ourselves

How can you choose to be more like Priscilla? What can be changed so that you are more active in discipleship like she was? What are other character traits that she possessed that you would love to practice in your own life? Join us today as we discuss these questions and more.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Priscilla's Example of Discipleship

Priscilla and Aquila meet Apollos and hear him preaching. However, they find that he is missing a good bit of information. Instead of correcting him publicly, they bring them into their home and disciple him. Priscilla could have had many excuses to not do this, yet she made time to reach out to him. What are you doing to disciples others?

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Sacrifice of Staying Behind

Paul leaves for Ephesus and Priscilla and Aquila join him on his journey. They travel with him as far as Ephesus. There they find that the church is not established enough for the entire group to move on. Priscilla and Aquila make the sacrifice to stay behind and continue the work of the ministry. Because of this sacrifice, God uses them in great ways.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Concerned for Daughter

When your daughter comes home from college for the summer, you notice some signs that she might have an eating disorder.

*How can you with love and concern approach your daughter about your suspicion?

*If your suspicion is correct, what biblical principles could you use to talk about this situation with?

*How can you encourage your daughter as she (Lord willing) decides to change her eating habits to glorify God?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hospitality to Others

This week we have looked at how Priscilla showed hospitality to Paul and how others have shown hospitality to us. Join us today as we discuss ways that we can we show hospitality and God's love to others that are not our good friends.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hospitality to Strangers

Yesterday we looked at how Priscilla showed hospitality to a stranger, Paul. Have strangers ever shown hospitality to you? What did it look like and how did it affect you? Join us today as we share personal stories of strangers showing us hospitality and God's love.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hospitality to Paul

How would you react if you recently had to leave your country and settle some other place and a stranger want to stay with you? This is exactly what Priscilla faced. Yet, she did not complain. She welcomed Paul into her home and made him comfortable enough to stay there for eighteen months.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Now in Corinth, Paul meets Priscilla & Aquila. Throughout chapter 18, we learn about this strong woman, Priscilla, who endured and triumphed because of her faith in Christ. As we go through this study in the next several days, we are going to learn how God used this woman to impact many people for Christ. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Real Life - Real Answers: Willing to Ask the Tough Questions

You notice that for the last several weeks your friend has been constantly texting when you
see her. You also know her husband rarely texts because he prefers to call her. One weekend
afternoon you are out shopping with your friend and notice how often she is texting and
smiling while at it. You finally ask her who she has been constantly texting during your time
together. She gets embarrassed right away and shrugs it off as no one important, but your
sense is that she is not giving you the whole truth. After pressing her on the issue further,
you find out she is texting a male co-worker she is friends with. Certainly being friends with
a co-worker isn’t wrong, but you decide to ask the tough questions.

*What sort of heart-probing questions could you ask to help your friend determine if
she is developing an emotional attachment to this co-worker?

*What are the dangers of developing a “close friendship” relationship with a co-worker
(especially if you are married)?

*What might you encourage your friend to do in her marriage with her husband to
strengthen her relationship with him?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oppose Your Culture & Follow Christ

Athens is not the only culture that is opposed to Christ! Are you willing to go against your culture in order to follow Christ? Are there any ways in which you are allowing culture to tell you what to do rather than God’s Word? If so, what? What should be done about it? Can you share examples of women today who are choosing to follow Christ and go against the flow of their culture also?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The "Know-It-Alls" React

So how did the pompous people of Athens react when they heard Paul share the Gospel with them? Today on Women in the Word, we will discuss their reactions and the few people that were mentioned to be believers. Although we do not know all the details of these people, we do know that we are all equal and all accepted in Christ.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sharing the Gospel with a "Know-It-All"

Have you ever tried to share the Gospel with people that think they know everything? In Acts 17, we find Paul doing just that. Join us today as we look at Paul’s approach and those who believed. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Foundation to Finished Product

When you are reading a book, do you ever get so curious that you have to speed ahead to the end to find out what happens? Well today we are fast forwarding to the see how the God used these first believers in Acts 17 to build the church of Thessalonica. God used these people to imitators of the Lord and an example to all believers. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Real Life - Real Answers: Doing Right When You Think No One Knows

Diane is a college student away from home in her freshman year. No longer under the
watchful eyes of her parents, she suddenly feels some freedom in her life. Diane is tempted
to “go with the crowd” and does some things that she knows her parents wouldn’t approve
of. “They will never know anyway,” she thinks.

*If you could talk with Diane, what are some Biblical principles of Christian living you
would share with her?

*What are some practical things that Diane could do to stay in God’s Word and make
right choices on her own?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How Do You Use Your Influence?

How do you use your influence? Do you encourage others around you to do good or are you the one that pokes holes in other’s ideas and complains about what you must do? Today we begin looking at the prominent women in Acts 17. Join us today to hear how they used their influence in their society.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How Do You Respond To Difficulty?

As we close our study of the slave girl in Acts 16 we discuss how we react when we encounter difficulty. Are you surprised when you encounter trials? Are you a help or a hindrance to the Gospel? What should you be doing to show that the Gospel is lovely? What are you doing to display God’s character? Join us today as we look at these probing questions. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

God Always Gets the Glory

As we continue to look at the slave girl in Acts 16, we discuss God using unpleasant circumstances for His Glory. Through God’s mercy, he heals this girl and uses her to spread the Gospel. The immediate result does not seem good, for Paul is thrown in jail, yet even through this, God is glorified in great ways.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers: Unfair Treatment

Your husband always wants to visit his family at holidays, but always argues with you when you ask about visiting your own family for Christmas or Thanksgiving.  He has never seemed to take interest in getting to know your family and it has been 2 years since you have been able to see your family who lives out of state.

*What must you “think” in order to maintain a godly perspective on this situation?
*How can you be submissive to your husband’s wishes while appealing to him about your desires?
*How can you pray for you and your husband in this situation?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Slave Girl

As the church took root in Philippi, Satan again tries to attack it. After Lydia's conversion, we read how a young slave girl is possessed by demons in chapter 16:16-24. This girl has owners who used her for their own personal profit. This girl had the ability to tell the future.  Satan tried to use this girl to thwart the efforts of Paul and his team in sharing the Gospel. As we read, we know that this young girl follows Paul day after day proclaiming that the men were servants of the Most High God who proclaim the way of salvation. Finally, Paul commands the demon to come out of her.  Although the girl was telling the truth, Paul did not want His ministry to be confused with the work of Satan. Nor did he want the term "Most High God" to be confused with the identification of the culture's false god, Zeus.  This girl was not giving testimony to God, but rather with the demonic. As we continue studying about this young girl we are going to talk about the reaction of her owners and what happened to Paul and Silas as a result of her cleansing.  We also are going to spend some time talking about how we care more about personal possessions than life itself. We hope you take some time to prayerfully consider what you can learn through this passage.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hospitality in Action

After Lydia's conversion, she was baptized along with others in her family who accepted Christ.  She then presses for the missionary team to stay with them in her home.....Hospitality in action!  Here we see the fruit of salvation already evident in Lydia's life. She seeks to show love to her brothers in Christ by offering them a place to stay.  Hospitality is required of all Christians. Scripture is clear that God desires for His children to use what God has given them for the good of others (see Romans 12:13, 1 Peter 4:9, John 13:35).  In what ways do you struggle to show hospitality. How can you better be obedient to this command?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers: Alone & Lonely

There is an older widow woman in your church who was moved into a nursing home a year ago. Her only family is out of state and they are not able to care for her as she has some health problems that need daily monitoring.  You recently visited this woman and she confides in you how lonely she is there. Her family rarely calls and she is struggling to be content in the nursing home. She secretly wishes her life would just end.

*What could you say to her to encourage her from God’s Word?

*What should this older woman “put on” to live her live in a godly and content way?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Work of God in Salvation

As we talk about salvation today, we know that God does the work in some one's life for them to accept Christ as their Savior.  It is not man's doing, but God's. God opened Lydia's heart to accept the Gospel and so He will also do for others.  The connotations of the terms "soul-winning" and "getting people saved" are dangerous to use as this places the emphasis on man's work in salvation. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 2:1-4 that he "did not come with superiority of speech or of message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power."  The WAY the Gospel is presented is not the is the Gospel.  For God is the one who opens hearts for salvation and faithful Christians who share the Gospel can trust God's plan.  1 Corinthians 3:6-7 shares how some plant, some water, but God gives growth. May we remember this truth as we share Christ with the lost and trust Him with the results.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


As we move on in our study of Acts, we come to meet another woman whose name is Lydia.  In chapter 16:11-14 and verse 40 we learn about this woman. This account takes place in Philippi and we learn that she and other women meet by the riverside outside of the gate on the Sabbath.  There was no synagogue in the town so Paul, Silas, Timothy & Luke knew that if there were a group a people who would worship God that  they would meet by the riverside. Lydia was from Thyatira and a seller of purple fabrics. She possible moved to Philippi to move her business there.  As we go through this study in the next several days, we are going to learn how God used this woman to help start the church in Philippi.  Lydia was seeking and then listened to Paul when presented with the truth. She listened and embraced the truth of God's Word.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Real Life~Real Answers: Marriage Problems

Your best friend calls you from out of state with a desperate voice saying, “I want out! I want out of this marriage! I can’t take it any more! How can God expect me to live with this man who makes me so angry and doesn’t love me? Don’t I deserve to be happy?”  You have known they were having problems resolving conflict, but didn’t realize that it was this bad.

*What Biblical advice should you share with your friend that would help her view this situation in a godly way?

*What could you challenge her to do to be the godly wife God wants her to be?

Recommended Books:
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Faithful Mother

In Acts 16:1-3 and 2 Timothy 1:5, we read about Timothy's mother. We encourage you to prayerfully consider how this passage can be an encouragement and challenge to you as you strive to be a faithful mother. Whether you have children of your own or are an spiritual mother to children in your church or neighborhood, what we learn from Eunice is an encouragement to us all.

Eunice was a Jewish believer, married to an unbelieving Gentile.  The family lived in Lystra, where Paul was nearly stoned to death on his first visit.  Timothy's grandmother (Lois) and mother (Eunice) probably became believers on that first visit.  We learn more about Eunice in 2 Timothy 1:5 and 3:15. It is especially challenging that Eunice took the time to teach Timothy from his childhood the Scriptures.  Eunice was a faithful mother who taught her son the truth of the Gospel, and how to live the Gospel in front of others.  Timothy was well respected in his community and learned the importance of not only believing the gospel but living the gospel.

As women, we are all "mothers" in some sense. These truths must apply in our lives. Are you faithful to teach the children who God has place in your influence?  Are you a faithful example? This doesn't mean you have to be perfect, but that you LIVE the gospel in front of those who are in your influence.  Let us know how you are challenged from this passage.