Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Healing of the Crippled Woman

Luke 13:10-17
As we move farther into the Gospel of Luke we encounter Christ on the Sabbath and the healing of a crippled woman. It is significant that Christ not only healed her on the Sabbath, but also that he healed a woman "whom Satan bound for eighteen years" (vs. 16).

The Sabbath to the Jewish people was a central part of their life. Religious leaders over time set up boundaries and "laws" that were not Scriptural, but were meant to keep the people from breaking the true meaning of the Sabbath.  To the religious leaders, a woman's physical need would not be worth breaking the Sabbath. To Christ, He wasn't breaking the Sabbath but upholding the true meaning of the Sabbath.  Jesus Himself says in Matthew 12:12 that "it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." Christ risked condemnation by the religious leaders as He ministered to this woman.

The study continues stay tuned!

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