Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love & Forgiveness: A Lesson from Christ

As we continue to study about the sinful woman that Christ forgives in Luke 7,  we ask today if there are ways that the church makes a judgement on a person or situation unfairly? Have you ever thought about if YOU have judged someone unfairly without knowing the facts and without remembering the person's need of Christ's love and forgiveness?  This passage shows us that Christ's love and forgiveness is freely given to any who come to Him.  It is not reserved for the elite, for the rich, for the most moral. It is given without strings attached to those who are in the most despicable sins, who are unlovely, and seem to be most unworthy.  We are challenged and convicted to love and forgive as Christ loved and forgave. How can you show Christ's love and forgiveness THIS WEEK?

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