Monday, February 6, 2012

A New Team Member

Welcome to our newest member of Women in the Word: Katlyn! We hope that you will be able to tune in for the next couple of days as Katlyn shares her testimony of salvation and also how God is working in her life now.


Anonymous said...

I've been missing you on the radio since for several months now I haven't been able to pick up the station in my car. (I live about 60 miles north of the Twin Cities) Last night I tried again and there you were! I was so blessed by Katlyn's testimony and hope I will continue to be able to pick up your broadcast as I drive home from work. Your discussions of God's Word are often very challenging and thought provoking to me.

Katlyn said...

I'm so glad to hear that you were blessed by what God is doing in my life! I'm glad to hear that the Lord is using our little program to encourage you after a long day of work.

Anonymous said...

Hello Katlyn. I listened in again last night and was very taken by the way that you do your daily devotions. I read God's Wor daily and have gone through periods of weeks and even months when I have journaled, and then times of giving it up. The method you described last night sounds like it's very doable and something I can hopefully continue with. I started this morning! I want to leave a legacy for my son (not a believer as I was at his age, and unwilling at this point to listen to the truth)of journals filled with the story of my journey with my LORD. And at the same time I want to remember the things the LORD has shown me, to be able to look back and see where He has taken me and taught me and brought me through.
A sister in Our LORD.

Katlyn said...

I think leaving a journal for your son is a fantastic idea! I have also found journaling to be overwhelming at times It's easy to be more concerned about coming up with something to put in than finding out what the text is actually saying. I encourage you to try the method I use (short summary, principle, application). Also don't worry if you don't have something for each chapter - look at the bible as a whole with sections for different purposes to get main ideas across. Good luck! I'm excited to hear what God will do in your life and your son's..